forty one

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I didn't know what to say. I stood there with my bedroom door open and Alice standing in front of me. She looked me up and down and eyes my clothes warily. I had changed out of my bathing suit and instead threw on a pair of blue jean shorts and a tank top. "Alice," I said her name softly, still in disbelief. "What are you doing here? How did you even get inside?"

"I had a vision." She didn't beat around the bush. "Of you and Bella." I rolled my eyes at the sound of my sister's name, an action she didn't miss.

"Of course you did." I didn't mean to be harsh but I was still upset with my sister and talking about her was only adding fuel to my fire. "What happened?" I moved away from the door and sat on my desk chair, spinning around to face her as she sat on the edge of my bed.

"You were screaming and crying out her name." She started.

"That did happen," I confirmed with a nod.

"And she jumped," Alice spoke softly.

"That also happened." I sighed.

"Why did she jump?"

"Because of your stupid brother." I rolled my eyes and stood up. "I didn't hear her full explanation, I was too focused on the fact that she tried to kill herself." I slipped on my grey TOMS and my black hoodie.

"Wait, so Bella isn't dead?" Alice stammered.

"Would I be talking to you right now if she was?" I zipped up my hoodie and faced her. "She's on her way here probably. I'll wait with you downstairs." I exited my room and felt Alice follow me. We both descended the stairs just as Bella marched inside.

"Alice!" She cried. She smashed into Alice and gave her a giant hug. Bella started to sob as she clung to Alice tightly. Alice hesitantly wrapped her arms around Bella. The hug lasted for a few more seconds before Alice abruptly pushed my sister away. "Oh, I'm sorry." Bella noticed Alice's darkened eyes just like I had and stepped away.

"It's my fault. I haven't hunted in a while. I was too focused on getting here." She glanced at me as I sat at the kitchen table and watched them conversate. "But would you like to tell me how you are alive?!" She snapped at Bella. Bella flinched before starting to cry again.

"You saw me fall," Bella stated.

"No, she saw you jump." I corrected her. Bella glared at me before staring off into space, more than likely trying to find a good explanation for her actions.

"I was cliff jumping, the locals on the reservation do it all the time." Bella stammered.

"No, you were being reckless. Not giving a shit about those around you." I scoffed.

"Clary, just-" Bella started.

"Just what Bella?" I sneered. "Stop?" Bella nodded. "No, I will not stop. You tried to kill yourself for a stupid boy and you want me to stop?!"

"Clary," Alice began. "Calm down."

"No Alice." I shook my head. "I'm sick of her little pity party. Edward left her, dumped her, whatever. But she wasn't the only one who was left behind." I glared at Bella who looked anywhere but at me.

"Clary, you need to calm down," Jake warned me as he walked inside the house.

"Or what?" I glared at him. Before he could say anything, the house phone rang. I exhaled slowly before reaching for it and answering. "Hello?"

"Is Chief Swan present?" The male voice on the other end asked.

"He's not, may I ask who's calling?" I asked kindly.

"I'm a friend of his. Do you know when he will be getting home?"

"No, he's out planning a funeral right now so it's hard to say." I sighed. "I could take a message though and let him know you called?"

"No that's quite alright, I'll just call back later. Goodbye." the line clicked before I could say anything back.

"Clary who was that on the phone? Just now." Alice suddenly blurred over to me.

"I don't know, they didn't give me a name." I sat back down on the chair and eyed her curiously.

"Bella, it was Edward." Alice's eyes widened and stared off into space. "He thinks you're dead. He wants to die too."

"Why didn't you let me speak to him?" Bella shouted at me. She ran up to me and tried to grab me.

"Because he didn't ask for you." I glared at her and stood up from the chair, moving away from her.

"Bella, we need to go to him. You're the only one that can save him." Alice blurred away before reappearing with a bag of Bella's things in her hand. "We need to leave." Bella nodded and followed her outside. Jake ran after them but I stayed inside the house and watched on from the doorway.

"Bella, please." Jake was pleading with my sister not to leave, for her to stay, with him. But she shook her head and together, she and Alice sped away in Carlisle's car. Jake cursed loudly before jumping into the air and phasing. He growled and darted off into the trees, leaving me alone. I closed and locked the front door before retreating up to my room. I grabbed my phone from my bed and was about to dial my dad's number. But as I glanced up and looked into the mirror, the pair of gleaming red eyes that stared back at me had me dropping my phone to the ground.

She stood there with her back against the wall. Her flaming red hair stood out against the white paint and I resisted the urge to cower away from glare in fear. She uncrossed her arms and zoomed up behind me. She smirked devilishly at me before suddenly a bursting pain spread through me like wildfire as she snapped my wrist. I screamed in pain and fell to the ground. She smiled menacingly down at me before stepping on my arm and cracking the bone. I screamed again and just as I began to sob, she disappeared.

I was alone again, but this time with injuries.

"Clary!" Someone screamed my name. I heard footsteps pound on the stairs. "Clary!" The voice screamed out again. I moved my head and saw Jared enter my room. He didn't hesitate to run over to me and pick up my small body. He held me close to him before racing out of my room and out of the house completely. I tried to focus on where he was taking me but the darkness was overwhelming. "No, Clary! Keep your eyes open!" I tried to obey him but it was too much. The pain, everything. It was all too much. So I closed my eyes. I let the darkness consume me.

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