thirty one

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School had lost its appeal. The stress of being a junior hit me hard. The teachers kept griping about how we needed to be prepared for our senior year when all any of us wanted was to never come back. Between cheer practices, being in LA Push, and the endless pile of homework, I had no time to focus on the absence of my friends.

My only friends at the moment seemed to be Evie from the cheer squad, and Tracy, my lab partner from my sophomore year. We were both in the same grade and coincidentally all of her classes were the same as mine. Greg transferred to some other school, leaving Tracy brokenhearted, and Thomas just avoided me whenever he could. Not to mention, Paul quit his job as the assistant coach, leaving me alone in hell. I was losing more people in my life, it was like a domino effect. First Emmett, then Jennah, Greg, Thomas, and now Embry.

Despite it being a Monday, I was wearing my cheer uniform. My blonde hair was tied messily into a ponytail and I ached to let it down, unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to.

I stood by my locker when Bella approached me. She mentioned taking Jake's lunch again and I easily agreed to accompany her. Though I wasn't planning on returning to school afterward. We walked out of the school together and I swung my backpack over my shoulders. Once we reached the truck, we both hurried inside the cab to avoid the cold air.

We drove to a small fast food place and ordered food for Jake before driving toward his school. I nodded to Bella and exited the truck. My sweater was unzipped and I got a few glances from people as I walked into the school. Forks High's emblem was noticeable but nobody commented on it.

"Hello, Ethel." I greeted my favorite elderly lady. She worked the front desk at the school and I've seen her so many times, that we had finally learned each other's first names.

"More food?" I nodded. "When will that boy start to bring his lunch?" She chuckled and handed me the visitor pass.

"I pray that it happens soon." I waved bye to her and walked to the cafeteria. I pushed the heavy doors open and scanned the room for Jake's enormous body. I spotted him sitting with Quil and Embry near the back. I quickly walked over to them and dropped the food onto the table.

"Well look at little miss cheerleader." Jake mocked me. I gave him a sarcastic smile.

"Shut up." I glared at him. "Here's your food." I waved and went to turn around when I felt a hand on my wrist. I followed the length of the limb and was met with Embry's shy stare. "Yes?" I rose an eyebrow. He glanced at my wrist before shaking his head and letting go. "Bye guys." I hightailed it out of there, I didn't want to be stopped again.

"Take me to Emily's," I said to Bella as I climbed into the truck. She eyed me curiously but nodded anyway. The drive was small and I was grateful for that. I grabbed my bag, waved bye to Bella, and walked up to the door. I knocked and waited for the door to open.

"You know there is no need to knock," Sam said as he welcomed me in.

"What if you and Emily were doing the nasty in the kitchen? That's not something I want to walk in on." I grimaced and shook the mental image from my mind.

"I'll put a sock on the door as a warning." He scanned my uniform. "Shouldn't you be at school?"

"I should be, but am I? No." I took off my sweater and placed it on the coat hanger by the door. "Besides, I'm caught up in all of my classes, missing one day won't kill my GPA."

"If you get in trouble, don't blame me." He shook his head and walked into the living room. I walked behind him and smiled at Billy and Harry as they sat there with Paul and Jared.

"Hello, my lovely people." I greeted all of them.

"When the hell did you become a cheerleader?" Jared asked.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now