fifty six

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"Your help." I sighed. "Aro, I need your help."

"Anything for you my dear." His sickly sweet voice sent a shiver down my spine. "We are at your disposal."

"I'm in a certain, uh, predicament and I need some information." I scratched my forearm nervously. I didn't want to tell him too much detail, I didn't want to tell him more than he needed to know.

"What sort of situation?"

"Can a vampire impregnate a human?"

He sucked in a breath I'm sure he didn't need. "My dear, are you pregnant?"

"If I say yes, are you going to kill me?" I snorted.

"Certainly not." He laughed. "The information you're looking for is unheard of. Vampires don't normally fall in love with their human blood singers, we just simply drain them. And most of us only mate with others of our kind."

"So you're saying that my unborn half human half vampire baby is a miracle-type thing?"

"Not a miracle, just one of a kind." None of this was helping me. "I don't believe it helped you, did it?"

"It didn't." I ran my hand through my hair, frustrated by the lack of information. "It's okay, I'll just see how this goes then."

"I shall have my guards do some research. In the meantime, take care of yourself. I will be in touch."

"Thank you, Aro."

"Anytime my sweet." I hung up and stuffed the phone into my pocket. I debated on deleting the call from my history but nobody messed with my phone anyway. My decision to talk to Aro has blurred away from Alice. Since I've been pregnant she hasn't been able to see my future. The baby is messing with her and blocking any ability from me. Edward can't read my mind, Alice can't see anything about me, and Jasper can't alter my emotions. The baby is blocking it all.

I stood to my feet and bundled myself tighter into my jacket. The sun was just setting and it wasn't too late for me to take a walk on my own. I made it to the end of the gravel driveway and took a glance back at the house before continuing. I walked aimlessly down the road, not having a destination in sight. I needed to clear my head and walking was the best way for me to do so. I passed by multiple houses, all of them a small distance away from the other.

"Clary?" I stopped walking and whirled around. Leah was walking toward me and I sighed quietly. "What are you doing out here alone?"

"Needed to clear my head." I shrugged.

"Mind if I walk with you?" I shook my head and gave her a small smile. She and I walked side by side before either of us broke the silence.

"How can you all be so okay with this?" I blurted out.

"Okay with what?" I featured towards my stomach and she nodded in realization. "I think it makes it a little easier because it's you," Leah spoke truthfully. "Plus the guys are kind of overlooking the fact that the baby is half vampire. If they forget, it makes the situation easier to handle."

"But I can't ever forget." I sighed. "I'm trying to think of it as a normal pregnancy but I can't. I have a half vampire half human kid inside of me and it's scary to think about."

"Hey, you're not alone though." She placed one of her hands on my shoulder. "I know we didn't always get along but you're like a sister to me Clary. I'm not letting you go through this alone."

"Thanks, Leah." I smiled faintly at her. We started walking again and I kicked at the ground with my shoe. "Do you think Emmett will change his mind?"

"Honestly Clary, I don't know." She shook her head. "I don't care for them but considering he is the Dad, I hope he does."

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