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"Remind me again why you picked up these pieces of crap?" I jerked my thumb to the back where Bella had loaded two crappy motorcycles in her truck. She ignored me and I sighed. We had been driving around aimlessly after she picked me up from work and she stopped as she saw the pieces of junk metal on the side of the road. I watched her as she picked up her phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, Dad." I rose an eyebrow as I listened in on her conversation. Calling Dad while he was at work was a new thing for her. "No, nothing wrong. I just wanted directions to the Black's place."

"I could drive us there." I offered with a grin. She shook her head at me and went back to her conversation. "There's no reason to be rude about it," I mumbled as I slumped against the leather seat and waited for her to drive.

"Alright, thanks." She hung up and started driving. The drive to Jake's was silent. Neither of us made a move to begin a conversation. And I knew it was because she was still pissed at me.

Last night when she had returned home from hanging out with Jessica, she walked in on Embry and me kissing. Embry awkwardly left and that's when Bella started yelling. She said some things to me that resulted in me yelling right back at her until we both calmed down and apologized. But I knew she was still upset, and I was just as upset as she was. Bella and I had drifted apart once we arrived in Forks and we were both desperately trying to grasp onto what was left of our friendship.

After an agonizingly silent drive, we pulled up to the small faded red house. Jacob appeared on his porch as we both climbed out of the truck. He met us halfway but I passed him and headed straight to Billy instead. I quickly hugged my godfather before watching Jake wrap his arms around Bella happily. It was a sight to see- Jake the man giant hugging my tiny sister who was surprisingly donning a smile.

"You grew!" Bella exclaimed as they pulled apart. I was true, he had. Jake had transformed fairly well. Puberty did him good.

"Six-five." He smiled at her. I cursed under my breath and suddenly I hated my short height even more.

"Stop growing." Bella glared at him.

"Doesn't work that way Bells." He laughed. Billy and I exchanged a look before we both went inside and left Bella and Jake outside.

"How've you been Clary?" Billy stared at me as I sat on his couch. I didn't like the look in his eyes and I hated the sudden rush of anger I felt. I knew he was pleased that the Cullens were gone but I still felt the need to defend them - and for that I blamed Rosalie. If it hadn't been for her keeping in touch with me and texting almost every hour, maybe that feeling would disappear.

"I'm okay." I shrugged. "First breakups are usually the hardest but I'm okay now." I sent him a small smile and I saw the smug look in his eyes fade. He sent me a small smile and I could see how guilty he felt for acting the way he had been.

"They are but they get better in time." I got up and hugged him. The Billy I knew growing up had made an appearance and the prideful Cullen hating Billy left.

"Clary come on, Jake's going to show us his car." Bella waved over at me from the doorway. I nodded and gave Billy a small hug before following after her. I pulled the hood of my sweater over my head as rain poured on us. We walked into the wooden garage/shed and observed the rusted white car that sat before us.

"What type of car is it?" I found myself asking.

"A Volkswagen Rabbit, 1986." Jake proudly answered. "Classic." I snorted and he narrowed his eyes at me. "Don't poke fun at my car." I stuck my tongue out at him and he rolled his eyes. I walked over to his car and yanked the heavy door open. It made a horrible squeaking sound I snorted at the disappointed look Jake wore.

𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙨. emmett cullenWhere stories live. Discover now