Chapter 6

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"Let's take 20 minutes guys" Chan said catching his breath and falling on the floor.

All of them looked so tired, they have been dancing for like almost 2 hours nonstop. And in that time, Seojun told us EVERYTHING we had to know about Stray Kids. EVERYTHING.

Jisung approached me and Bora "Hi, let's go, I wanna show you something" he said looking at Bora.

"Sure" Bora grabbed his hand. He blushed.


Changmin walked to Minho and gave him a bottle of water, Hyunjin literally pushed me off the couch to get my seat and sit next to Seojun (rude as fuck), Seungmin sat on the edge of the couch drinking water and Daeun went to sit with him. Changbin and Jeongin sat on the floor.

It was just me and Felix alone.

He started to walk to where I was sitting when Lee Know spoke.

I wish he didn't.

"Now that I look at you Soli, you look exactly like his ideal type". He turned to face Felix "Remember? When you told us? Big eyes, 1.60...she even has the thick thighs and everything. HAHAHAHA" He started laughing and continued drinking his water.

He did not. He did not.

I have never felt this embarrassed in my entire life, however, I wasn't the most embarrassed one in the room.

Felix was literally red like a tomato LITERALLY. He looked at me with a guilty face.

Everyone in the room started laughing and saying 'That's true' and 'I remember', I even heard Seojun say 'How did you get so lucky Yongbok?'

It was time for me to end this.

"Felix, can I talk to you? In private?"

"What did she say?" Minho asked Chan.

"She said that you smell" Yubin replied as she noticed Chris was watching us with a worried look. He knew something was up.

"Yes, in a closed room or...?" Yongbok looked nervous.

"Yes, please. It's kind of private".

Felix started walking and I followed close behind him. We got out of the room and walked like 10 steps more before Felix opened a door.

It was a really small room. A weird music device, a microphone, a keyboard and a small couch, that was it. I think it was a vocal room.

Felix sat on the couch and I followed. "I'm nervous" Felix said and chuckled awkwardly.

"Look, I'm gonna say this as direct as possible and I also want to apologize in advance".

"You are forgiven" he laughed and smiled. His soft self is making it harder.

"For short, I can't be with you..." Why am I such a bitch? "I- I made a promise with some guy that doesn't have a soulmate and- and he-"

"Don't worry" He replied with a small smile. He did not seem surprised, did Bora tell him? "I get it, you love him and-"

"It's not like that, it's just a promise. That's it"

"But you said- no, I suppose the deal was if you never found a soulmate. Am I wrong?"

"Well, no, you are right".

"So? You found me but you want him" He said firmly.

"I would feel bad about me breaking our deal because he hasn't found his soulmate" I replied stuttering

"Don't lie"

Auch, that hurt.

I needed to be honest. "Okay, sorry. I- I- like him."

"So don't tell me you 'can't be with me'. Say you 'don't want to be with me' "

Wow. The fact that he didn't look angry but disappointed is what made me feel like trash, no. Worse. Much worse.

My eyes filled with tears "I'm sorry, I really am and I just-"

"Oh- nonono. Don't cry please" His gaze became soft and he moved his hands looking for what he could do. He was so worried. Ughhhhh, I hate myself so much.

I started crying. Great "It's just- I didn't know I could be this evil, this wicked. I am so sorry. I genuinely am so so so sorry. But I just can't do this with you, I can not go against my heart".

"Hey, don't- don't worry. I'm fine. I'm great" I looked at him but couldn't see him behind my tears.

I started to get up "Tell everyone that I am sorry, and that they are so nice but I- I- can't keep looking at you. I feel so guilty".

"You are leaving? Now?" He grabbed my arm and sat me down. "You can't leave, look at you" He pointed at my face. I was a mess and I knew that.

"I want to leave as soon as possible"

"But wait," he chuckled "I never said we couldn't be friends. We are soulmates after all, right?"

"Friends? You want to be friends?" I sniffed my runny nose.

"Of course" He said with an empathic smile. He was trying to make me feel better and it worked.

What a relief. I told him and he understood. He even said we can be friends. I am happy.

I calmed myself down while Felix looked at me and gave me tissue after tissue. After a while of a not awkward silence, Felix's phone rang.



Yeah, coming"

He hung up.

"The 20 minutes are over"

"Do I look fine?" I asked him.

"Your face is just a little puffy but that's it. No one will notice".

We walked to the dance room and everyone was there except Bora and Jisung.

"Did you guys see Jisung by any chance?" Seungmin asked.

"We didn't but I can call him". Felix answered.

"We tried that. He left his phone" Jeongin said pointing at Jisung's bag.

"I'll go look for him. We need to finish the practice fast so we can go eat dinner" Changbin said annoyed.

"Always thinking about food..." Daeun said muttering and Seungmin laughed

"Shut up" Changbin replied walking out the room. Seungmin laughed harder.

"I can't wait to eat dinner either" Changmin yelled for Changbin to hear. "Oh, it's our Friday tradition" He said looking at me.

"We eat dinner at the same place every Friday" Chan spoke.

"Ohh, what do you eat?" I asked them.

"That place has-" Yubin started saying when she got interrupted.

"YO, YOU GUYS! I FOUND THEM" Changbin entered the room screaming and laughing really hard. He was grabbing Han by the collar of his shirt. "YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS! THEY WERE MAKING OUT! HAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH!"

What the fuck

A/n: Helloooooo. I just wanted to come here real quick to say that from now on the chapters will be shorter. I noticed the last 2 were pretty long so I will be making them shorter.

And thank u for reading <3. Please keep looking forward to it.

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