Chapter 39

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"Chill" I said laughing.

He calmed down and his laugh was slower and quieter.

I started to take off his shoes while he talked nonsense, I couldn't understand a thing.

"Do you know?" He asked at the end.

"Yes, I know" I answered. No, I didn't know.

"I know, you know, Lee Know" He had a laugh attack again and I laughed with him.

"Come on, get on the bed" I said between laughs. I stood him up and opened the sheets so he could get in.

"Come on" He rolled over to the other side "Get in"

"I'll sleep on the living room, don't worry" I said.

"No, don't leave me" He made a fake crying face.

"Okay" I laid next to him keeping my distance. "Good night"

"Good night" He replied back.

Sooo... he won't remember anything tomorrow, right? Then, it's my chance to do something i've been wanting to do.

"...Felix?" I asked in a low voice.

"Yes Isabella?" He chuckled.

"What would you think if I told you that I love you? Just speaking if I did" I said trying to downplay it.

He rolled and looked at me smiling. "I would be the happiest person alive"

"But I say love as in 'be my boyfriend'..."

"Yeah, I would be the happiest man alive" He never stopped smiling.

"Do you... love me... like... that?" My heart started racing.

"...Yeah" He answered slowly with that dumb drunk look.

"But if I said that, what would you think? I mean, won't you think you're the second choice?"

Felix looked deeply in my eyes "I wouldn't care. I don't care if i'm the second choice. I want you"

I stopped breathing for a second.

"But I don't want you to think that" I said worried, leaving aside what he told me.

"Oh, don't worry" He chuckled and laid on his back looking at the ceiling. "I think you love me. Since the trip. You've been looking at me different"

"R-really?" I stuttered.

"I noticed you wanted to kiss me... you should have tho" He said shamelessly.

I was a blushing mess. I couldn't even talk.

"Good night" That is all I managed to say before turning to the other side of the bed.

"Goooooood night" His seriousness faded away. "Felix loooooooooves youuuuuuu" He pulled the sheets higher to cover his face and he started moving around.

I stayed still and in like 30 seconds, he fell asleep.

I stood up from the bed trying to make the least movements possible. I searched for blankets on the top of my closet; I placed one on the floor next to the bed and used the other one to cover myself.

I then started squeaking and squirming, i'm so fucking happy.

He cleared so many doubts I had, now i'm so confident, about everything.

I have decided. I have to tell him, and soon.


I had a hard time falling asleep because of all the excitement, but the important thing is that I slept with a smile plastered on my face.

I woke up from the sound of someone complaining and I remembered everything. I started smiling so hard again.

"Good morning" I said to Felix trying not to show my excitement. For what I know, he doesn't remember anything.

"Oh" Felix got confused as to where the voice was coming from "Good morning" he said as he found me lying on the floor.

"Are you okay? Does your head hurt?" I asked.

"Yeah, what happened? Did I win?" He said innocently.

I had to laugh "It wasn't a competition"

He laughed too but noticed the unfamiliar place "Where are we?"

"Oh" I sat down on my provisional bed. "This is my room. Last night you insisted you wanted to come see my dad, so I brought you here"

"...Your... dad...?" He asked slowly.

"Yeah, you were just acting weird" I chuckled remembering his 'married couple' comment.

"Why are you sleeping on the floor? I could have slept there. How could I let you?" He sighed.

"No no. You didn't, you could never do that. I first fell asleep on the bed next to you but I didn't want to make you uncomfortable"

"Did I cause trouble? Did I do anything inappropriate?" He said worried.

"Not at all" I said "You behaved really well"

"Thank God" He sighed in relief. After scanning my room slowly he spoke again: "I really like your room, it's really 'you'. It's like I imagined it" He has imagined MY room?!?!

"Yeah, I guess it's just boring and clean¿" I replied kind of confused.

"I like the Dylan O'Brien cardboard" He laughed.

"OH MY GOD! I forgot about that" I yelled in surprise turning around to look at Dylan O'Brien staring and smiling at us. "Do you think is pathetic?"

"Not at all" He laughed "It's cool. Should we watch Maze Runner one day?"

Find you a boyfriend who likes your fangirl side. If he doesn't, move on to the next one.

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