Chapter 46

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"...42... 43... 44..." I was carefully counting his freckles.

Felix's deep voice interrupted me "I don't have that many. Are you counting the little ones too?"

"Of course I am. And i'm not done yet" I giggled and continued counting.

"You have a few freckles too" Felix whispered, smiling and watching my face.

"Like 5" I chuckled and looked at him.

Our eyes met. I suddenly got so nervous but I didn't move back, not even a single flinch.

We stared deeply at each other's eyes for a long time before I noticed how close we were. Our faces were centimeters away.

He removed his eyes from mine and felt his gaze everywhere on my face, admiring my features. I did the same, letting my eyes wonder on his face: his eyes, his cute nose, his cupid's bow... his lips.

I can't take it anymore.

I suddenly placed both of my hands on his cheeks, he jumped a little, widening his eyes. I doubted for a second but I was determined.

I softly pulled his face to mine and smashed our lips together, while closing my eyes.

I pecked him, and before I could move backwards, Felix kissed me back. He put his hands on my cheeks as well and kissed me softly.

I blushed so hard, it just felt weird being like this, but definitely enjoyable. I've been wanting this for so long and I think he did too.

His lips felt absolutely how I imagined. So plump and big, I love it.

It was just a cute kiss, nothing much. We didn't even move, and of course, tongues were not involved either.

After a few little seconds, we disconnected our lips and moved back, still shocked on what happened.

"I thought about one" His deep voice broke the silence.

"On-one what?" I stuttered nervously.

"One nickname"

"A nickname?"

"Izzy. I like it" He smiled at me. The nickname... the first time we met...

I smiled too and pulled him for another kiss; this time, harder, like how i've been wanting to.

I moved my hands to his neck to be more comfortable and continued kissing him.

I felt like I was floating, it surprised me how sweet the kiss was. This is the best thing i've ever experienced.

They way his lips felt on mine, the way his tongue moved around, the way he breathed on me, the way his hands tighten around my face...

We broke the kiss slowly, carefully watching each other's eyes, full of love.

"I thought you didn't know how to kiss" I giggled.

He chuckled, looking at my lips before kissing me yet again.

This is so addictive, I want to keep kissing him until I die. I want to feel his lips on mine until my last second of living.

We moved back and stared at each other again; his eyes looked sincere and happy, so happy.

I stuttered nervously "I love you"

Felix's mouth corners slowly rose, creating a huge smile. His eyes became a crescent moon each, hiding them. "I love you too"

"I'm sorry" I apologized before getting too happy.

"W-why?" He stuttered.

"For not saying it sooner". I brought his face closer to mine "I've loved you for so long"

He smiled a little "I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for trying to get away from you..."


"On Tuesday, remember? We were texting really late and you made my heart jump and I- I wanted to protect myself. I realized I was never gonna have you so I started to act weird and cold..." he looked down "stupid things. I was fighting with my whole heart to not get attached to you. I was trying to protect my heart"

I grabbed his face and made him look up to me "I'm sorry you had to do that because of me. I have never hated myself more than when I realized I was hurting you. I swear I never wanted to do that to you. Never, never, never"

He smiled softly "I know". He furrowed his eyebrows "I'm so mad at fucking Jihoon. When you were crying because of him, I couldn't stand it"

I got confused, but realized after a few seconds "NO! I wasn't crying because of him. I was crying because I found out you were suffering because of me, because of my fault"

"Really?" He asked shocked.

"Yeah" I dropped my arms to my sides. "I mean, yeah, I was sad because he didn't care about me, because I expected him to be sad about the fact that I had a soulmate. But the truth is... it was just attachment. I always assumed we were staying together, assuming he was gonna be my future. I loved the idea of him, the planned future; but not him. I never loved him. And I realized that when I actually fell in love with someone" I grabbed his face again "...with you"

☆ soulmate ☆ Lee Felix YongbokWhere stories live. Discover now