Chapter 8

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                                           Passing the test/Proving them wrong

                                                               3 months ago

Once I stepped into gorilla, I didn't even have time get catch my breath before I was blindside and lifted of the ground by Jey.

"That was so freaking awesome, it was a hundred times more badass than I thought it was going to be," he said setting me back down but the ground underneath me was short lived as the other twin picked me up.

"Your look is insane, I love it," Jimmy said spinning me around then putting me down. "Let me see your shirt," he said. I pulled down the front of my shirt, as Jimmy reached out to touch the raised veins of the shirt.

"The Bloodline," he said finding the letters then I turned around. "Just got Wild," Jimmy read. "Little Uce this is so cool," he said.

"Thanks," I told him. Solo stepped up and I grinned at his no expression face as we stared at each other. He then suddenly pulled me into a hug.

"You found your inner Solo," he said. I laughed once we pulled away. A lot of people swarmed around us then. Superstars, crew members, and staff all telling me they didn't see it coming and how great the segment was. I looked over my shoulder to find Roman in a group of management people. He must have sensed me looking because he looked up and we locked eyes. I could see he was proud of that moment out there. I was pulled away though when Nicole came over.

"All that pacing was worth it right?" she asked.

"Yeah, it built up that rage I needed to find," I said. One of WWE's social media workers came up and shoved his phone in my face.

"Briar Wild is trending number one, The Bloodline is trending number 2, and Smackdown is trending number three," he beamed with excitement.

"That's great," I said as gorilla was quickly filling with people. Hunter came in to view.

"Did I let you down?" I asked him. He pulled me into a hug.

"Not for one second. This is that moment, the moment you remember for the rest of your life. This was your game changer," he whispered into my ear.

"It definitely was," I said pulling back then he went to Roman who locked eyes with me again.

"Hey Briar," I heard and turned around. The referee from the match was handing me my jacket.

"Oh thanks," I said taking it, he smiled then left. I turned the jacket right side in and threw it over my shoulder just as Sami Zayn walked up. He had an odd expression on his face but it changed when he spoke.

"Nice job, you were a true badass out there," he said bumping knuckles with me. He stared down at my gloved fist.

"Thanks, it was a lot of fun," I told him.

"Nice glove," he said as I pulled back my fist. He smiled again but it seemed like it was forced like something was twisting inside him. I didn't respond as Jey came back over from talking to Roman and glared at Sami. Sami took that as his que to leave.

"See you around Briar." I nodded at him as the confused twisted look on his face didn't change and he walked away.

"They have a photo shoot set up over in the next room they want pictures with all of us," Jey said. We waited for Roman and once he got to us, we followed him to take pictures. We got out of gorilla and Roman with both titles over his shoulders placed his hand on my lower back and guided me along. At least ten people were following behind as I leaned closer to Roman.

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