Chapter 77

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WrestleMania 39

Night 2

Jimmy, Jey, and I walked back through gorilla to a crossed arm glaring Roman to a shocked expression on everyone else including the twins because they still had no clue what just went down.

"I guess I have some explaining to do," I stated.

"You think?" Roman scolded.

"Can we do this away from listening ears and go back to the locker room, please?" I pleaded. Roman stepped aside to let me go first. He did take a moment to congratulate the twins on main eventing the show and for keeping their titles. He turned back and I quickly started moving heading out of gorilla and back to the locker room.

Once we entered the room Nicole who had still been sitting there read the room then gave me the same look from earlier already knowing what was happening without a word spoken. Everyone took a seat but Roman who remained standing as the twins collapsed in the nearest chairs exhausted from their long battle. I winced sitting down, all my muscles aching from my own battle earlier. I decided to start talking not wanting to wait for some else to start with the questions.

"After I left here to go to the other room to get ready for my match I just couldn't focus because all I could think about was Sami. I could have just let it all go and let fate take over, not that I had a doubt the Usos could handle it," I stated gesturing to the twins. "But I just had to do something because all I cared about was making sure Sami didn't win anything. I kept thinking about something KO had said on Friday and once I walked into the other locker room, I'd made up my mind. I left and went to find Kevin Owens," I told them. Roman who been pacing back and forth stopped to look at me, his nostrils flared and he sighed running his hand down his face I could see him trying to control the anger.

"Briar," he stated my name clenching his teeth.

"I know Chief, I know it was a reckless thing to do, but I did it anyways," I admitted then moved passed it to what went down. "Anyways I found his locker room and he was just as shock to see me as the look you guys are giving me now. But I told him I had something important to discuss and he agreed to hear me out even though he thought the whole thing was an ambush." I went into details replaying the entire conversation that Kevin and I had and then the whole scene with Sami showing up and me hiding. "Once they were gone, I left and came back to get ready for my match. I had no idea if the conversation did any good," I said then looked over to the twins. "That's why I went to find you two before the match to give you the advice of trying to play the two off each other," I said and at that moment Linda walked into the room. She had a smile on her face until she looked at everyone else and felt the intense silent in the room.

"Who died?" she asked.

"No one," I answered, 'yet' I thought but not daring to say that out loud in risk of getting another glare.

"Are you sure? You all just won and Sami got put in his place, shouldn't you all be celebrating?" she asked coming over and giving me a hug. I looked over her shoulder to Roman.

"We will celebrate we were just having a business discussion," I told her.

"Can't you put business aside for one night and enjoy the moment?" she asked stepping back from me looking at everyone. I flashed back to Roman and I on the ramp yesterday and him saying those words. He was right it goes by so fast; the build to get here takes forever but the day of goes by in the blink of an eye.

"Are we enjoying the moment, Chief?" I asked.

"You and I will talk later, but yes we are enjoying the moment," he said trying to smile but he was clearly ticked at me.

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