Chapter 43

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                                               The journey to Smackdown

After Raw ended Roman and I called it a night and went up to the bedroom. We didn't say much both of us a lot of thoughts on our minds as we got ready for bed. I sat crossed legged in the middle of the bed waiting for Roman who had to take a phone call. He came back a few minutes later and joined me. He stared at my face.

"You've got that determined look."

"Do I?" I asked running my RR necklace through my fingers.

"Yes, you've said you've made a decision," he asked.

"Yes. I don't have a problem going public, but I also don't think we need to rush into putting out a statement to confirm it or just coming out and saying it. I think when the situation presents its self, we can let it out. Also, I think actions speak more than words. I don't want to just blurt it out when the moment comes no one will second guess they'll just know and we won't have to say it," I said.

"Brillant, I like that."

"We can hint at it to, everyone will be guessing about it all the time," I said. He leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"I like that when it comes to things like this, we think the same way, there's no fighting or arguing about it."
"What's there to fight about? We think about it, we talk about and we come up with a solution."

"Sounds good to be but how about we stop talking about it and do something else," he smirked at me and I couldn't help but laugh as I threw my arms around his neck.

"Whatever you say Chief," I said.


The next few days went by uneventful. I couldn't do anything as far as The Bloodline stood but as Brair Wild and my road to WrestleMania I could do things for that. I worked on more promos and plans for showing hints to the world about me and Roman. Also doing more sketching for merch designs not just for me but the group. I'd talked to Linda a few times but all I got out of that wasn't much. Jey was still at my house and didn't want to talk or see anyone.

By Thursday morning everyone started getting ready to go as we'd leave early this afternoon for South Carolina. It'd been peaceful here but it was time to face the music and jump into chaos once again. I was the first one packed and got my stuff returned to the bus I wanted to make another call to Linda before we left. With Jey not talking to anyone yet I was starting to worry he wasn't going to come to Smackdown. While everyone was loading their stuff onto the bus, I snuck out back by the pool and called Linda again.

"Hey Brair," Linda answered.

"I feel like it's to the point I'm calling to be a pain," I said.

"You're not a pain, your just concerned."

"We are just finishing loading the bus we are heading to South Carolina for Smackdown. Did he mention anything about joining us for the show?" I asked little hope in my voice.

"Sorry Briar if I'm being honest, I don't think he's going to show up," she said and I felt sad then got angry.

"You know what that's fine. At first, I understood needing time, but it's been five days and he hasn't talked to any of us. He isn't the only one deal with stuff, but the rest of us are confiding in each other to get by but him cutting us off with no word it's starting to take its toll on all of us. I don't like looking at a depressed Jimmy every day," I spat in a rant.

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