Chapter 73

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In The Days Before WrestleMania

Part 1

7am Tuesday morning we were pulling into LA. The sun rising over the freeways felt like the dawn before a shootout. I'd left Roman's sleeping and snuck past the sleeping brothers to go sit down on the couch trying not to disturb a surprisingly still sleeping Paul. I opened the blinds to look out over the towering buildings of LA. This was the city that would make a defining moment in my career. The Next six days would change everything including who I was but I was ready for...I hoped.

After getting ready for the day, I came back out to the lounge to join everyone else who was now up. I was in awe when I went back over to the couch, we'd got stuck in morning traffic on the freeway so it was taking some time to get to downtown, which was expected. We'd made some way and I now could see our exited up ahead. Solo had joined me on the couch to watch. After a few more minutes we were taking our exit and downtown LA laid before us. My mouth dropped open when all over the place was banner after banner of WrestleMania signs. Most of them had Roman and Cody all over them. I was looking at the poles of the street lights that lined the way and they had smaller banners with some of the other matches up then I froze I looked to the next one and there was Rhea and I.

"Oh my God," I stated my hand covering my mouth in shock. I looked to Solo and he was smirking. "Oh my God, look at that, look at that!" I yelled. Jimmy and Jey came over and looked out the window.

"Yeah, that's you Little Uce!" Jimmy said.

"I've never been on any banner like this before," I told them staring in awe.

"Yeet!" Jey said.

"Hey look you guys are on the next one!" I yelled and we all looked out the window again. Jimmy and Jey were on one with KO and Sami. We all stared out the window at all the activity until we arrived at the hotel. We were going to be in LA until next Tuesday morning so Paul and Nicole worked on hotel rooms. I only heard a bit of a conversation but it sounded like we were booking out an entire floor of the hotel. A lot of Roman's family was going to be here and I of course had Linda coming and as if on que she was calling me.

"I'm so excited for this I've been counting down the days for the last two months. I'm at my gate, boarding should start real soon," she spoke quickly once I answered.

"Awesome, I'll keep taps on your flight and Rick will we there to pick you up when you land okay?" I told her.

"Fantastic, I can't wait I've never been to California, and I can't wait to see you, and the show is going to be so cool, I've only seen you at little house show's here in Florida," she went on and on.

"It's going to be great, I can't wait for you to get here," I told her.

"Oh, their announcing board for first class, that's me, I can't believe I'm flying first class," she squealed.

"You deserve it, I'll let you go so you can get on; I'll see you this afternoon," I told her as we pulled into the hotel parking lot and were directed to VIP parking. I hung up the phone and went back to the bedroom. Roman was also just hanging up the phone. He smiled at me when I walked in.

"We just pulled into the parking lot of the hotel," I spoke and he stood up. Our suitcases already to go by the door. Roman pulled me to him.

"You good?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm not nervous yet but I'm sure by Friday I will be," I said.

"Everything's going to be fine," he said.

"Easy for you to say you've done this how many times," I said and his chest rumbled against my cheek as he laughed.

"I have, which is why it'll be easy for you, I'll guide you the whole way Wildfire," he assured. Twenty minutes later we all were getting off the elevator on the top floor of the hotel. About four security guards were walking the length of the hallway. We had the giant suite at the end and a bunch of the family and other WWE staff members were going to be occupying the rooms around us. Nicole stopped at the room next door and she grabbed my arm.

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