Chapter 10

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                                        Survivor Series War Games Part 2

I stood in gorilla bouncing on my heels waiting for the video package of Ronda and me to finish so I could make my entrance. I had the adrenaline pumping full force through my body. Ronda stood behind me and leaned forward.

"Let's show them who we are," she uttered. I nodded and bumped fist with her.

"Briar ready," The crew member signified as he stood by the curtain ready to pull it open for me. A sense of calm washed over me seconds before my music hit and there was no going back just full steam ahead. I counted to five and then went out. The crowd went crazy half booing half cheering. I should be booed but I think they liked me as a heel and weren't all that crazy about Ronda. I came out and stood at the top of the ramp. I slowly turned my head looked from one side of the arena to the other. Throwing the one in the air to represent The Bloodline the crowd followed along with my pyro from behind. Once the pyro stopped, I removed my sunglasses to reveal my crazy makeup. As the camera panned around me, I looked into the lens.

"You better be ready cause Survivor Series is about to get Wild," I declared then ran down to the ring. I posed on the ropes letting everything sink in. I paced back and forth while Ronda made her entrance, I could feel the wild in me ready to be unleashed. Ronda and I stared each other down as Jessica, the referee, held the title into the air. The crowd was loud and still on their feet and it sent goosebumps down my spine. Jessica looked at me and asked if I was ready, I nodded I was, then she did the same thing to Ronda who nodded back. Jessica called for the bell and the second it rang Ronda and I ran straight at each other and we both close lined the other and down we went. The crowd noise picked up while they jumped right back to their feet as Ronda and I laid there as this battle got underway.

Ronda and I both made our way back to our feet and we started exchanging punches. She grabbed my arm and spun me to the ropes I bounced off them as she ran toward me and I countered by doing a spinebuster. I quickly went for the cover but she kicked out. I grabbed her by her hair and went over to one of the turnbuckles and bounced her head off of it several times before she went down in the corner. I kicked her in the gut a few times then backed up. I went to do a running knee but she moved and I went knee first into the second turnbuckle and bounced off of it. Ronda began her assault after that.

She did two big moves and each time going for a cover but I kicked out. She yelled at the referee and by the time she got back to me I had gotten enough strength to drop kick her right threw the second rope and onto the floor at the end of the ramp. I collected my breath and started climbing the ropes. I got my feet balanced on the top rope and facing away from Ronda. The crowd noise grew loud again as my heart raced rapidly. I the one to the sky then I jumped. Doing a moonsault I felt everything seem to slow down. It may have only been two seconds up in the air it felt like minutes until I came crashing down onto Ronda and we both laid there on the outside. That was when I started hearing the chants that let me know we had the crowd.

Holy shit and this is awesome rang out through the arena. That's when I heard the ref counting, she was up to five by that point. Ronda and I both got up by the count of seven and we looked at each other.

"Eight, Nine," she shouted and Ronda and I both jumped into the ring just before the count of ten. We both were wore out and breathing hard. Ronda had me in a headlock and was going to go for a running bulldog but I quickly countered into my finisher move the Wild Tornado, a double twisted DDT. I struggled to get my energy over to cover and managed to get my arm just over Ronda's body. She kicked out at two and a half. Everything was going according to plan. Every move we'd planned out our hopes for the crowd to stay into the match until suddenly it wasn't going according to plan.

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