Chapter 12

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Once back at the locker room Roman went to take a shower and the rest of The Bloodline went to the main locker to shower and change. Paul had left the titles and went to take care of some things with Nicole. It was already after midnight. I sat on the couch with my legs crossed trying to stay awake I wanted to go to sleep but because of the concussion I was trying to stay awake as long as I could. I couldn't look at my phone, I wasn't ready to look at it, plus looking at it earlier was giving me a headache. So, all I was I could do was sit there with my thoughts. Fifteen minutes later Roman came out of the bathroom his eyes went right to me. He was in a Bloodline shirt and black sweat pants. His hair damp as I rested my chin on the top of the couch staring into his eyes.

"We have a lot to talk about," Roman said.

"We do, but can it wait till tomorrow when my head is clearer?" I asked. He moved toward me.

"It can wait, but we will be having a conversation about everything," he said.

"Can we go home now?" I questioned looking straight up as he stood just above me. At that moment the door opened and Paul came in. He stopped when he saw us.

"Wiseman," Roman said.

"Yes, my Tribal Chief," Paul replied.

"Tell the others to meet us at the bus, we are heading there now."

"Yes, my Tribal Chief," he responded again then turned and left. Roman and I turned our focus back on each other. His hand came down and he placed it on the back of my head.

"Let's go home," he said and I gave a half smile. I slowly got up off the couch, knowing if I moved to quickly, I'd get dizzy. I picked up my title then went to stand by my bag while Roman got the rest of his stuff together. Once he finished, he came to me and picked up both his titles. He snapped the buttons on the backs together and placed each of them over the handle of his bag. When he was ready, I went to grab the handle of my bag but he beat me to it.

I wanted to argue with him but I knew there wasn't a point. I just held the door open for him and down the hall we went heading for our bus. I was relieved all I wanted to do was lay down in my bed and go to sleep without a care in the world. I'd deal with the aftermath tomorrow.

Rick, the bus driver, had the luggage compartment and the bus door open and waiting for us. Paul seemed to have appeared out of nowhere and was talking to Rick, who did a double take when he saw me. It was a five-hour drive to the next stop then two days off a show on Wednesday then smackdown on Friday unless I was sent home tomorrow and didn't come back until Friday. I didn't want to leave the family but if I had to go home, I would. I'd only been home five days in total since I made my return after SummerSlam.

"Go in first," Roman said as he wheeled our suitcases over. I let them deal with everything as I headed up the bus stairs using the railing and all the strength, I had left to get up them. In front of my dresser, I kicked my shoes off. I took a step up the ladder just enough for me to reach up and set my title on my bed. I stepped back down and went to a chair right away and pulled my legs up underneath me. I rested my head on the armrest and waited for everyone else to get on.

Ten minutes later everyone was on the bus and we were leaving the building. Six guys, one driver, and myself made for a lot of people even though it was a big bus it seemed small once everyone was on. I liked it though it felt like home, it felt like family and for the first time I wasn't alone. After talking, laughing, and hanging out it was already passed one in the morning I was ready for bed.

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