Chapter 32.5

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                                     The ending of Smackdown 1/6/23

Just before the final match of the night Roman ask Paul to go get Sami. Solo had left to join his brothers at ringside for their match. I sat as calm as possible next to Roman. Paul came back in and sat down in the chair behind and to the right of Roman with both titles over his shoulders. A minute or two later Sami slowly entered the room.

"You wanted to see me?" he asked nervous.

"Sit down," Roman told him. Sami did. Paul stared at Roman from the back and I looked back and forth between Roman and Sami. Sami starts saying how he acknowledges Roman as the Tribal Chief just like everybody does and it isn't even a question. He says he's not trying to be The Tribal Chief or gain any power. He then apologizes if he did anything to give Roman that impression. Roman slowly sits up and says I don't accept your apology, causing Paul to shift uncomfortable in the background and for Sami to cover his face with his hands, I just continued to watch on. Roman says as The Tribal Chief he holds himself to a high standard. At the end of the day, he's got to control his anger and nobody deserves to be spoken to like that.

"Nobody deserves that in front of the whole world. So, no I don't accept your apology because I should be the one to apology," he said.

The shock on Sami's face I knew was reflecting mine luckily for me the camera was zoomed in on those two and I wasn't in the shot. "I'm sorry Sami," Roman said and hearing him say those words put a sting in my heart. Sami says it's fine and he knows Roman is under a lot of pressure. Roman says he's embarrassed to say but KO was right, he's not mad at Sami he's mad at KO, and he was taking it out on Sami. I honestly didn't see a problem with this.

"The KO problem is done because we are going to fix that, right Wiseman," Roman says. Paul moves to sit next to Sami grinning at him.

"Your Tribal Chief wants to give you a chance to redeem yourself. Next week on Smackdown you, Sami Zayn will take on Kevin Owens," Paul says. Sami looks unsure then shakes his head saying he'll do it for The Tribal Chief. At that moment The Usos music hits, Sami says he's got to go, he's got to get out there. Roman grabs his arm.

"Where you going, stay, let's watch this together, right Briar?" Roman asked turning to me.

"Right Tribal Chief," I say because I can't say anything else. Sami says okay and sits back down. The four of us watch The Usos make their entrance with Solo. Then it goes to commercial. Roman relaxes back in his seat, Sami is as happy as can be, Paul is grinning at everybody and I'm as tense as possible. With Sami in the room, I can't even touch Roman for any sort of comfort. This two-hour show has felt like a five-hour show.

Jimmy and Drew start the match off. Drew keeps the upper hand even as Jey gets tagged in. Back and forth they go as Sami makes comments about everything happening. A few minutes later Sami stands up.

"I'll be right back," he says then leaves the room. Paul, Roman, and I stared at each other. Three minutes later Sami comes back in with a bucket of popcorn. What the hell I thought. I turned my attention back to the TV. Sheamus had Jey wrapped around the ropes and ripped his shirt off and starts to deliver ten beats of Bodhran. I look over to Sami who's intensely watching offering the popcorn bucket to Roman who glares at him in confusion and then looks to Paul who stares in the same confusion. Sami pulled the popcorn bucket back and Paul took a few pieces. I turn back to the TV and watch on as big moves were being hit left and right then we were sent to commercial.

"Wiseman," Roman said. Paul and I both look to Roman at the same time.

"Please go get three more buckets of popcorn, for you, me, and Briar," he said looking to me to make sure and I mentally sighed but agreed because I was hungry.

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