Chapter 68

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Smackdown 3/17/23

The Worst Reunion

"You told the whole world a guarantee in a segment I don't remember approving of," was the first thing out of Roman's mouth as we approached the bus and he was standing outside the door with his arms crossed. I glanced up to Paul next to me who gives me that I told you look.

"I know how you feel about that word and we've talked about it before but I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it," I explained trying to hold my ground as I stopped in front of him looking up to meet his intense gaze.

"So, you've got everything planned out, you know exactly what's going to happen?" he questioned anger laced in his words. I sighed calming myself down I didn't want to argue with him. Fighting with Roman gave me more anxiety than anything else ever could.

"I get your upset but can I be real for just two seconds. You know you got to add and improvise when things come up and since you've been spending every show on the bus while the rest of us are out there doing the work sometimes you just have to go with the flow," I told him taking a stand.

"DAMN!" Jimmy and Jey said at the same time behind me like they were trying to impersonate Ron Simmons. Paul's jaw if physically possible would have been all the way on the floor as he stared in complete shock. Even Solo's eyes had gotten big. I turned back to Roman who's gaze I didn't think could get anymore intense was fireballs in my direction.

"I'm sorry Chief I was just being honest. I guaranteed something because I believe in it, I believe in myself, I believe in you, and I believe in the rest of this family. I envision what I want to happen and I do what I can to make it happen. I know who's in charge of this family, I know who makes the calls but you also got to be there to do those things," I told him and then stopped talking. I was only being honest with him. If he wants to sit out on every show then he isn't always going to be calling the shots. I anticipated more lecturing from him but then he sighed and placed both hands on each of my shoulders bending down to be eye level with me.

"How did you become so brave and ruthless?" he asked.

"I learned all of this from you, Chief. It would be nice if we could do all this together. Every time I do something without you, business or personal, I get upset. I want you there always Chief," I whispered up at him so the others couldn't hear me. Roman stood straight back up and then threw his arm across my shoulders, he glanced over his shoulder at the others.

"Let's go," he ordered then guided me up the stairs of the bus. I knew I'd pay for my comments later but I wasn't worried about it if anyone could handle Roman Reigns it was me. I said that statement to myself again and nine months ago that statement would have been laughable to me.

The next few days as we drove and made our way from Providence Rohde Island to Kansas City, Missouri we had two house shows one in Columbus, Ohio and one in Indianapolis, Indiana. Roman and I acted fine the whole time neither of us acting mad towards the other but I could feel the distance and it was tearing me apart. It was somewhere between Indianapolis and Kansas City that I called Linda it'd been a few weeks since I last talked to her. Once she answered she spent the first few minutes lecturing me for how long it's been since I last called.

"I'm sorry Linda, everything's been really hectic I won't do it again."

"What's wrong dear, you sound low?" she asked. I spent the next fifteen minutes talking to her about what's been going on.

"If you feel that bad about what you said which I don't think you were wrong in saying then just talk to Roman. It's the only thing you can do," she told me. "I believe in you Briar no matter what your choices are. I'll see you in a few weeks but that don't mean you can wait that long to call me again," she sternly added.

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