Chapter 44.5

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                                             Smackdown 2/3/23 part 2

                                    .... Everyone wants answers

After only a few seconds Shayna's music hit and she came out just as pissed as when I saw her earlier. She stood there at the top of the ramp glaring down at me. I glared right back as Solo came over to my side.

"You sure about this?" he asked.

"One hundred percent," I said not taking my eyes off Baszler. You could feel the tension in the arena. "Move back don't interfere," I said to him. He did as I asked but I could tell he wasn't happy about it. Shanya entered the ring and got right into my face. The thing was she didn't intimidate me she infuriated me. After a few seconds I grinned and stepped back and motioned for her to get a mic. She did and the music cut off.

"I don't like to be summoned like some dog," she stated.

"And I don't like that for months you've been doing nothing but dragging my name through the mud in the locker room," I retorted and she looked surprised. "Ever since I came to Smackdown you've been loudly stating your opinions about me to anyone who'll listen to you in the back. So, since you seem so keen on talking, why don't you tell me exactly how you feel about me to my face," I said staring at her, the crowd loud, she went to put the mic to her mouth then she put it back down.

"I know, why don't I turn around," I said turning my back to her. "Since you like talking behind my back I'll make it easier," I remarked.

"See this is what I'm talking about, a nobody, a nothing like you, the laughing stock of the locker room. A no talented loser gets dropped in with The Bloodline and all of us sudden you get everything you wanted," she yelled. I slowly turned back around to her.

"Go ahead, please continue," I said because we weren't leaving this ring until the truth was revealed.

"You don't have to do anything while the rest of us work our asses off to maybe get five minutes of air time every few weeks. Your pathetic hanging on to The Bloodline but I get it, if you weren't being so clingy to them, you'd be sweeping floors at Walmart," she stated causing the crowd to suck in a breath. "You're only as hot as you are, have that title in your hands, or even that T-shirt because Roman lets you," she sneered. The crowd booed.

"That's where I stop you, don't bring Roman up you're not worthy enough to even speak his name. Also, you forgot to mention what you said last night that I'm all about stealing the spotlight," I responded and again she looked at me surprised. "That's right I heard everything you said last night to your friends and I've been privileged even in the past to hear your speeches so that's why I thought I'd bring you out so you could share the spotlight with me. You say I don't do anything, but from what I can see I'm the one working my ass off to overcome my past but people like you no matter what I do can't seem to see it or give me the respect I've earned. Every night I put it all on the line, I've been broken and busted open and I don't complain I just keep fighting. You said last night if it wasn't for me, you'd be getting the push you deserve. Tell me Shayna what is it exactly you're doing to show them you deserve a push?"

"I don't owe you an answer to anything," she snarled.

"No, you don't just like I don't owe you anything but lucky for you I'm going to give you something. I know what this is really about, all this anger you have toward me it's because of Ronda isn't it," I said and she looked away her face contorted in anger. "That's what I thought, your pissed I beat Ronda and took this title from her and she hasn't been around since. You have no one to ride the coattails to the top, no one to give you a push because clearly you can't do it on your own. Yes, it's true The Bloodline gave me the platform but I got myself to where I'm at. The last thing I remember you saying last night was I couldn't even lace your boots let alone step into the ring with you, why don't we find out then," I told her pausing for a few seconds. "You. Me. Elimination Chamber," I said and the crowd cheered. "And just out of the goodness of my heart, I'll even put the title on the line," I added. She grinned like I just gave her the world on a silver platter. She clearly thought I was nothing more than a fly to squash.

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