Chapter 65.5

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I'll Stick to Wrestling

I stared in the mirror at my reflection. I was in the bedroom on the bus and I'd just finished getting ready for the TV interview that was taking place in less then two hours. Roman had finished getting ready awhile ago and was waiting out on the other part of the bus. We were leaving in five minutes. I looked good but I was still uncomfortable wearing a dress and being this clean and polished. I would have rather been getting my ring gear on and preparing for a fight. However, I could think of this as something similar. I had on a grey sweater dress with long sleeves and a turtle neck. It was cozy and stylish; it was snug and went to just above my knees. I had on knee high black boots and I had added a skinny black belt around the waist. I kept the accessories light because my championship belt was my main accessory and really the only accessory I needed. I did a light smokey eye with my makeup and my hair was done in a lose side braid that hung over my left shoulder. I slid my phone into the matching small grey hand bag I'd gotten then put my title over my shoulder. I grabbed my leather jacket and bag, looked at myself in the mirror one more time then took a deep breath before I left the safety and peacefulness of the bedroom. I only took a few steps out of the room and every head in the bus turned around. Roman had been standing by the table his back to me and when everyone else turned to me he slowly turned around.

"My god, you look incredible Little Uce," Jey said.

"For sure what he said," Jimmy responded.

"Thanks," I told them watching Roman watch me.

"We should be going incase traffic holds us up," Paul stated after finally pulling his gaze away from me and Roman as he clutched both of Roman's titles over each of his shoulders.

"Of course," I said. I handed Solo my title as he had moved from the kitchen next to me. He took it as I put my coat on Roman doing the same thing.

"You look nice," Solo said giving me the title back.

"Thanks, big guy, see you later," I smiled bumping fist with him.

"We'll be watching Little Uce," Jimmy said as I bumped fist with him then Jey.

"Yeet," Jey said. I followed Paul and Roman off the bus and Roman took my hand once we started walking across the parking lot.

"Can I be the fourth person to tell you how amazing you look," he leaned in to me to say. I clutched his arm tighter.

"Thanks Chief," I told him. We got into the elevator to head for the lobby. To say we turned heads in the lobby was an understatement. Everyone watched Roman and I walked through the lobby with Paul leading the way with the titles. I adjusted mine on my shoulder with my opposite hand for I didn't want to let the other go that was holding onto Roman. The same as yesterday for me and Nicole a waiting SUV was parked outside the front doors and the driver once again Danny. He smiled big at me.

"Glad you found something, Miss Wild," he said. I liked Danny he was very helpful of getting me and Nicole around the city and when I got recognized by a few people he was standing close by incase we had to get out of somewhere quick. I smiled at him but his smile quickly faded as he no longer was looking at me. I was confused for a minute till I looked up at Roman who was glaring at him. I felt bad for Danny as someone who's been on the receiving end of a Roman Reigns glare it was intense. I squeezed Roman's hand and he looked down at me. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Mr. Reigns sir," Danny said his voice much smaller as he reached for the doorhandle and opened the door for us. I got in and Roman slid in beside me. I stayed closer to his side while Danny shut the door and got in as Paul was riding shot gun the belts on his lap which I did the same thing with my title. Once we took off Roman took my hand lacing our fingers together and placing our hands on his leg. We watched out the window the people on the streets as we drove by them. No one spoke as my mind was busy working myself up into a panic about it.

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