Chapter 70

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Finding a Voice

Jimmy, Jey, and I held our breath as we stared at the curtain waiting for Roman, Paul, and Solo to come through it. Roman was first and the glare on his face made the entire room of gorilla sweat in fear. Roman quickly turned to Solo and Paul moved out of the way to stand next to us, worry plastered all over his face.

"Did I not make myself perfectly clear before we came out that we had to be on the same page, that we couldn't create anymore cracks!" he bellowed at Solo.

"He got under my skin I'm sorry Tribal Chief," Solo spoke in a non-confrontational voice.

"You're sorry, I've heard that enough tonight. Wiseman why do I feel like I've got a bunch of kids running around here, causing problems, then apologizing?" he asked but Paul didn't speak because he knew Roman didn't really want him to answer it, by this point nine-five percent of the people who'd been in gorilla had evacuated. The only ones remaining were two people from creative and Hunter, who were standing in the corner discussing something pretending like we all weren't getting a lecture again.

"You and Briar need to stop losing control every time someone pisses you off, you have to get use to it, sometimes you have to walk away while you can and regroup. Then deal with it in a smart way when the moment is right again. Going in guns blazing isn't always the right answer and you two need to learn that. I'm not at the top because I make irrational decisions, you got to think smart and not always let your emotions get the best of you. We all know you both get to a point of no return when your angry but you've got to let yourself control it before it even gets to that point. Now this night is over, we're leaving!" he lectured. He reached for my hand on his way by us and pulled me quickly behind. I looked to the four men behind me with sympathy in their eyes as they followed along. I turned forward and moved quicker so it didn't look like I was being dragged away like a little kid in trouble.

Back at the locker room, everyone gathered their stuff up in complete silence and when everyone was ready, we left together. Roman again grabbing my hand and we were off. We got to the bus and Roman stopped, turned around, and picked up both mine and his bags before proceeding up the stairs.

"Thanks, Chief," I said as Rick helped the others but Roman gave no indication that he even heard me. He got to the top of the stairs grabbed the handles of the bags and wheeled them down the hall. I only walked a few feet forward before I stopped and watched him go. He got to our room pulled the suitcases with him and slide the door shut loud and abruptly. I sighed and felt the eyes of the people behind me and I pulled out a chair at the table and sat down.

"You don't seem that upset, that he's beyond furious right now," Paul said taking the seat next to me.

"Even during our meeting on Saturday when we discussed plans for tonight, I already knew what I was going to do so I've been prepared for this reaction."

"And you still went through with it?" he asked.

"Yes, I had to, I don't regret anything I did tonight. The only thing I have some guilt about was not telling him but we've been here before. If I tell him he's not going to approve of it, but I get it he's trying to protect me and do what's best for The Bloodline because that's his job as Tribal Chief but it's also his job as my boyfriend," I explained and Paul had this big grin spread across his face.


"Nothing, everything you just said was the truth it's just you and Roman never really use the boyfriend/girlfriend word out loud."

"I know, even saying it now felt weird, I think it's because at least for me anyways it's always felt like something more then that. The boyfriend/girlfriend terms just don't seem to fit us like they're for normal people but not us. I don't even know if that makes sense.

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