Chapter 31

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                                           End of Raw 1/2/23

                                 Before Smackdown 1/6/2023

I sat down next to Roman and turned to face him. He was leaning forward his elbows on his knees and his fingers laced together. He turned his head to look over at me.

"What is it? You just all upset about Sami? Is it the Elias thing? Or are you regretting not wanting to be a part of the show tonight?" he asked.

"If I want to be a part of what's left of the show would you let me? Would you let me out of this room?" I asked. Roman moved his face closer to mine.

"Not a chance, I can't risk someone else making a move on you nor can I let you cause mayhem."

"Me cause mayhem but it's okay for Sami to go out there and act like he's in charge of The Bloodline," I pushed back.

"Alright Briar, enough. I don't want to hear about this Sami thing again tonight. Just sit there and watch Solo's match he's next."

"Fine," I said crossing my arms and glaring at the TV as Elias made his entrance. It was only two hours ago he was asking me out on a date now he was in the ring trying to say Solo is going to learn that WWE stands for walking with Elias. I rolled my eyes, I really had nothing against him. Elias seemed like a nice enough guy but all I saw was Roman. I stole a glance in his direction. He was leaning back on the couch his elbow resting on the arm rest and his face resting on his hand as he watched. Elias was going to sing a song but then Solo's music hit. I should be walking with him; all the times he comes out with me I should be there walking beside him.

Roman and I remain silent as the match gets underway. Right away it's back and forth, back and forth. Musical instruments are spread out all over ringside and it isn't long before they are outside the ring and instruments are being used. Cow bells, guitars, drum sets which Elias sent Solo into then over the barricade into the time keepers' area. Elias yelled and the show went to commercial. I bit my lip, the desire to run out of the room and to the ring was growing stronger by the moment. By the time the show resumed I was on edge, and I know Roman has noticed. They were fighting up at the top of the stage then moved back to the ring more musical instruments were being used.

"Roman can I...."

"No," he says not even letting me finish.

"But I...."

"Briar no, just sit there and watch," he said firmly. I wanted to jump up and run out, go to the ring, tell Elias to shove it, and watch Solo win. I pulled the necklace out from underneath my shirt and clutched it tightly. Country music star Hardy who's been at ringside hands Elias a guitar but Solo stops him from using it when he got back in the ring. Solo had Elias down in the corner and Hardy jumped the barricade, got in the ring, grabbed the guitar, and walked up behind Solo. I held my breath as I watch Hardy smash the guitar over Solo's back. The guitar shattered into pieces but it didn't faze Solo.

"Oh shit!" I said jumping over on the couch to Roman, grabbing his arm. We watched Solo get as angry as ever. Hardy retreats and Elias hits Solo from behind before going to the top rope. As Elias comes down Solo Samoan spikes him in the air then does a spinning Solo into the piano getting the victory. Solo yells as he looks down at a lifeless Elias, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did you have any doubt?" Roman asked.

"No, but it was still stressful," I said. "Elias seemed extra motivated to try to beat Solo earlier."

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