Chapter 32

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                                      Smackdown 1/6/2023

                                     Roman blows

                                    Contract signing with Charlotte

I always enjoyed being the beginning segment of RAW or Smackdown because standing in gorilla while the pyro went off always brought new life back in you, it gave you the mental focus that you needed. I stood with Paul and Roman as we watched on the monitor as the twins, Solo, and Sami jumped through the crowd and started destroying things again just like on RAW. Roman's music hit and he looked down at me. He'd been looking over at me every few seconds since we left the locker room. After my confrontation earlier he was keeping a close watch on me. I also gave Paul a piece of my mind after I found out he texted Roman about the whole situation as he heard everything at the door when he came to call the next superstar into their creative meeting. I kept telling him it wasn't much of a confrontation more like a life lesson, but I also didn't have a problem beating the respect into people if I had too. I nodded to Roman and the three of us walked out. We stood at the top of the ramp as Roman raises the title and Paul and I raise the one to the sky. The rest of The Bloodline looking back at us in the ring does the same thing. We head down and do the same pose in the ring. I take my usual spot to the right of Roman just slightly in front of Solo and Jey. Jimmy, Sami, and Paul to Roman's left. Paul hands Roman the mic and tells the crowd in Memphis to acknowledge him, our ones to the sky once again.

Roman talks about wanting to do things differently and hear from the honorary uce Sami Zayn. The crowd makes noise and the Sami chants start. I try to not throw up in my mouth as Sami takes it all in, grinning big and looking around. He takes a mic and starts going about how you saw how The Bloodline started the show, how we kicked off Monday Night Raw, the same way we kicked off the new year and everyone is on notice because this year belongs to The Bloodline. The crowd made more noise, and the look to Roman's face told me why he wanted to hear from him. He wanted to see who Sami thought was in control, to see if he was trying to be like Roman. Sami went on to talk about everyone dominating their matches on RAW and trying to be all hype but what I noticed was Sami was doing everything to not talk about last week on Smackdown losing the match against Owens and Cena.

Roman got back on the mic and said he didn't want to talk about this year yet and wants to talk about last year. I knew shit was going to hit the fan now, and looking at Sami he knew it too. Roman said we had the biggest match of the year and what do you think happened, some say we lost and he started laughing. I felt my muscles tense, yep this was for sure not going to be pretty, everyone else laughed but not me or solo and Paul was slowly moving himself away from the impending explosion. Roman says it was something he doesn't understand because as The Tribal Chief he doesn't lose it's not in his DNA. He talks about having to sit and think and chew on the whole situation, and I think about the two of us in our room having the discussion about this. I was trying not to grin when Roman said what I had initially told him. He told everyone he didn't lose, Sami lost. I was trying not to look disgusted when Sami just casually nodded about it, like it was nothing.

Roman said he couldn't figure it out, asking Sami why he call his shot and guaranteed a win, that was something Roman did. I looked behind me to Paul and he had the same oh shit expression I did. Roman goes on a rant about being The Tribal Chief and calling his shot and he always delivers. You could feel the intensity in the room grow with each thing Roman was saying. He said it was embarrassing to go out there and call your shot and fail to deliver. Roman turns and starts walking by Sami asking if he wants to be The Tribal Chief. I took a step back into Solo. He didn't budge but I did it to be near someone before this whole thing sets me off.

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