Chapter 38.5

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                                                                 No Regrets

Walking onto the bus Jey and Jimmy stood in the lounge. Jimmy looked unsure about everything as Jey was giving that look that only Jey could give, and it wasn't good.

"Jey I....," started but he wouldn't let me go on.

"You just told the whole world you disagree with me, that everything I said on RAW was a mistake. How does that make me look, or the rest of The Bloodline? Did Roman know you were going to bring this up!" he shouted.

"No, he didn't know, but I..."

"Little Uce, what have you done? You ran none of that by Roman?" Jimmy asked stress etched in his voice as he shook his head.

"No, I tried to but I just couldn't find the words and I..."

"Well, you sure found the words out there in front of everyone," Jey snapped cutting me off. I was starting to get mad that every time I've been trying to say something or explain I was being cut off. It happened with Roman yesterday and now with the twins.

"Enough! Damn it!" I yelled. I know they are upset; I knew they would be and I was sick of beating around the bush and being in denial. They were going to listen and see my side of things. They looked at me in surprise at my outburst. "I'm going to explain everything and I'm not going to be interrupted. When I'm done explaining and you still want to yell and be mad at me then go ahead but I won't let you be angry at me without knowing everything," I said. Jimmy put his hand on Jey's shoulder.

"We'll listen Little Uce, go ahead," Jimmy said. I nodded then looked at Jey.

"I tried to talk to you several times about the Sami thing but you've been in denial, you don't hear me when I talk. Remember last night when I asked you if you trust Sami, you never answered me and changed the subject. It was then I saw how far down the Sami train you were on. I knew then the only way you were going to hear me was if I said it in front of the whole world," I explained as I watched Jey's shoulder's sag. I walked up and stood in front of him and Jimmy. Jey's gaze slowly found mine. "I told you to remember that I always want to do what's best for the family," I said. "I don't want the family to get hurt. Ever since I joined, I haven't been part of the Sami situation, I've been around but I haven't given my thoughts or opinions on him being near us. I've just been on the side observing, so with an unbiased view I've been able to see the truth. You saw the truth once; you denied him around the family for a reason. Why is that, Jey? I'll tell you why because your instincts never fail you, just like mine don't fail me. From the beginning you seen him for what he is, but you caved. I don't know why, if it was the family pressure, or you wanted to believe in him. At the Rumble tomorrow he will show his true colors, I just hope it isn't at the expense of all of us," I explained.

"You really think he will betray the family?" Jey asked.

"Jey, I don't want to be right, if I'm wrong, I have no problem apologizing to you, Roman, the rest of The Bloodline and to Sami in front of the whole world. I don't think Sami knows what he wants, but like I said I just hope his decision doesn't hurt the rest of us."

Jey reached out and put both hands on my shoulders and bent down to look me in the eyes.

"I hear you now, if I wasn't listening before I'm sorry. What you've said is true and I've said it before to the whole world I didn't trust him, but also like I've said he never stopped trying, he never gave up on making me believe. I think he'll do the same for you," he said and I felt a knot twist inside my stomach. No matter what I said to Jey he was going to believe in Sami Zayn till the end, I sighed.

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