Chapter 40

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                                             Royal Rumble Part 3

                               The shot heard round the world

Things kind of blurred together as I fought on the inside with myself. Briar and The Wild One were fighting for top spot in my head so I only kind of remember going back to the locker room. I was all over the place as Solo and the twins guided me there. I dropped my title onto the floor once I'd enter the locker room everyone's faces and voices blurred together as I pinched my eyes shut and put my hands to my forehead.

"Free, stay, no going back, win, win, blood, free," I mumbled. When I was able to get my eyes open again, I was in the bathroom and I looked up into a pair of eyes. They were dark and concerned glistened in them. Roman, standing before me hold his hands on my shoulders.

"Briar, Briar are you in there, can you hear me? You need to fight, fight to come back," his words hitting the distant part of my mind. He sounded so far away as I listened to The Wild One spill more nonsense out.

"Gone, left, missing, here, now, me, blood, fight, pain," muttered words fell out of my mouth.

"No Wild One you need to leave, you can't stay here, you don't belong. Briar needs to be here; Briar needs to return," he said once again sterner this time. I felt Briar there, but The Wild One got out, she destroyed things and caused mayhem now I didn't know how to push her away. In the back of my mind, I knew I wanted her to leave, that she needed to leave. I gripped my hand onto Roman's arm and closed my eyes again.

"Leave, mine, leave, mine," Briar got her own words out but it was a struggle as I clenched my teeth together. I could feel the sweat coming off me. I'm sure with the makeup and face paint I looked completely ridiculous, a hot mess and I wouldn't blame Roman for wanting nothing to do with me after this.

"See I knew you were their Briar as your Tribal Chief I order you to come back damn it, I need you to come back," Roman's words hit me harder as I felt my head twitching back and forth.

"Need....out," I breathed.

"That's right, Briar you need to come back, The Bloodline, the family, I need you, just like our first talk. I needed you then, I need you now," he said. I clenched my teeth and eyes shut gripping his shoulder harder as images flashed through my eyes. Briar's memories, my memories of meeting The Bloodline, training together, being on the bus, laughing together, eating together, getting into trouble together it all flashed by.

Then suddenly it slowed down and moments that Roman and I have shared together relived themselves in my mind. His touch, his voice, his warmth, his protectiveness, his arms around me. Not only was I seeing it but I felt it in my body, my bones, my gut, my heart, I let it consume me. I wanted it to consume because it was the happiness I've longed for my whole life and never thought I'd have. I felt the shaking, the twitching, the mumbling slowing down. The Wild One seemed calmer and Briar felt much closer now.

"Roman," I mumbled so quietly I didn't even know if he heard it.

"I'm here, I'm right here, you got this Briar, you can fight her," his voice right by my head I felt his breath in my ear. It felt like forever went by and I was mentally exhausted when I opened my eyes and felt my body go limp. Roman caught me and we slid down the wall to the floor. He wrapped me up in his arms while I breathed hard realizing I survived a submission match, I survived with my title, and I survived letting The Wild One out.

"Chief," I whispered my throat so dry.

"My Wildfire, I knew you could do it," he said.

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