Chapter 76.5

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WrestleMania 39 Night 1

Part 3

"I just wanted to wish the guys good luck, get a few hits on them for me," I turned back telling the twins.

"We will, see you after," Jimmy said we all bumped fist and we watched them enter gorilla before Solo and I made our way to the locker room. Roman stared at me when I sat down next to him on the couch.

"Sorry Chief I thought it'd be bad luck to not wish them good luck," I explained just as the twin's music hit and we watched them come out on TV. Roman didn't really seem to buy that but didn't push it. I think I was way more nervous about this match then my own. I leaned my head against Roman's shoulder and intertwined my fingers together with his. I sighed just as the bell rang and the match begun.

"My match with Rhea may have been physically exhausting but this is mentally exhausting," I spoke to the room. The match had to been more than halfway over with. I've yelled at the TV, paced the room, been standing and sitting. I've grabbed Roman's arm and I lost count on how many times he's told me to relax. I told the twins to play mind games with Sami and KO but I didn't think it'd work out that well. And I knew it was time to get to gorilla.

"Roman, I'm going to gorilla, if the twins win this, I need to be there to do what I've been saying I'd do, what I did to Rhea," I told him. "Plus, win or lose we should be there anyways," I explained. He agreed and the four of us left leaving Nicole who wanted to stay behind and watch from here. I was anxious to once again get to gorilla, I felt Roman's eyes on me and in that moment, I knew he knew I did something.

"I'm guessing when the time is right, you're going to tell me what you did?" he questioned holding the curtain open for me.

"Yes, Chief," I responded walking past him. We went right over to a monitor to see what was happening. Jey had gone for the splash off the top rope but was met with Sami's boot to the face. Jimmy was trying to get back up on the apron and KO came over and put his head through the ropes to grab him but since the ref was distracted with Sami and Jey over on the other side of the ring Jimmy reached up and clawed at KO's eyes blinding him. He yells staggering back Sami goes to check on him but when he grabbed KO's shoulder KO went into fight mode swung around kicked him and dropped Sami with a stunner to the surprise of everyone, everyone but me. Was this it was this happening? KO still clutched his eyes and the twins took advantage. Jimmy grabbed KO by the leg and pulled him out of the ring and started beating him. Jey got back up onto the top turnbuckle and went for the Uce splash once again this time he got it and went for the cover getting the three count.

Half the crowd cheered the other half booed, but holy cow what a match. I didn't react I watched and waited. KO finally crawled into the ring next to Sami who was sitting up. The twins got their titles and got out of the ring and watched to see what was happening. KO looked disappointed and that was half of what Sami was. He couldn't believe it. They got up and started having a loud conversation. KO tried to say it was an accident but Sami kept pushing, KO tried to turn away and Sami pulled him back around. KO told him not to do that and just chill but Sami wasn't happy about any of it. KO turned to go again.

"Talk to me, Kevin, what happened?" he asked pulling KO around. "TALK TO ME!" he shouted. Out of nowhere KO hit Sami with another stunner and the crowd was shocked, this time they knew it wasn't an accident. KO looked down at Sami no emotion then started dragging him to the apron and pulled him onto the floor. Once again, the Spanish announcer's table was the only one standing. He pulled Sami to it and picked him up and grabbed his face.

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