Chapter 35

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                                                      Raw 1/16/23

                                            Heat and Tension

It wasn't a long drive to the airport but even when we arrived, I stayed in the bedroom. I was too tired and sore to come out but also when I saw Roman, I didn't want to have a big audience around us. I wanted that moment to be just the two of us without any judgement. We been stopped maybe ten minutes or so when the volume from the front of the bus had gotten louder. I felt my heart race a little bit more as I could hear the brothers greeting him. I sat cross legged on the bed as still as possible staring at the door. A few minutes went by before it slid open and Roman's large frame filled the doorway. Our eyes locking onto each other as he stepped in pulling his suitcase behind him. Closing the door, he set his suitcase off to the side, both his titles hanging over the handle.

"Hi Chief," I said. His eyes going to my cut and swollen lip. He sat down on the edge of the bed and reached his hand up to my face. Cupping my right cheek his thumb grazed over my cut lip. "It's not a big deal," I told him staring at his face.

"I missed you, Wildfire," he said softly.

"I missed you too," I said leaning into his touch, I'd longed for. I reached up to wrap my arms around his neck. His hand moved from my face to around my waist. Then I felt his hand touch the ice pack I had on my back. He pulled it out of my shorts as I had it tucked into them so it wouldn't move. He pulled back from me holding it in between us.

"What is it and don't tell me nothing or it's fine because you wouldn't have this if that was the situation." I did my best to not roll my eyes at him, to be honest I did like it when he was protective at least the Briar side did The Wild One was a different story.

"Just bruised my back a little when I hit the steel steps," I said no big deal.

"What did the trainer say about it?" he asked and I was silent, sitting still and not moving.

"Briar?" Roman asked.

"I didn't mention it, he just looked at my cut lip," I said. Roman was silent this time but I could see that was because he was taking a deep breath.

"Why'd you do that? You should have gotten it looked at it?"

"Because I wanted to see you," I didn't hesitate to say. He sighed and pulled me over and onto his lap.

"My Wildfire, what will I do with you?" he whispered and his lips gently touched mine but he was careful because of the cut I had. He tucked my hair behind my ear, as he looked me in the eyes.

"So, what did you think of the show? Did the ending tell you what you need to know?"

"The Bloodline on top for the whole week, makes me proud and yes I did see what I needed to know." I nodded my head in understanding.

"Did I remind you who I was?" I asked grinning. He smiled down at me before leaning his forehead against mine.

"I may always want to protect you but I've never forgotten who you are, you were the one who had to remember and I'm glad you did," he said his lips once again touching mine. I spent the rest of the night wrapped in his arms getting refamiliarized to what he felt like.

The next day while we traveled, I stayed glued too Roman. I missed him that much and it was nice to be back next to him again. We had a house show in Fort Wayne, Indiana Sunday night before heading to Cincinnati, Ohio for Monday Night RAW. I was advertised to be at the house show but Roman wanted me to give my spot to someone else so I could heal from Friday's match.

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