Chapter 69

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Monday Night RAW 3/20/23

Apologies and Pepper Spray Part 1

This is a long one and it's only the first part! Enjoy!

Monday Night RAW was in St. Louis, Missouri less then four hours from Kansas City so after making the drive after Smackdown Friday night, I spent the next two days plotting and planning every single move I'd planned on making come Monday. I stayed focused and determined because in order to be free of my past I was going to have to piss a few people off. One of those people included Roman which was why I only told him some of the things I'd plan to do on Monday during our group meeting Saturday afternoon. I did however tell him the main thing I was going to do.

"So, for Briar...," Paul started saying when it got to my turn.

"Monday is the night," I spoke and everyone turned to look at me.

"To do what?" Jimmy asked. I locked eyes with Roman.

"I told you I'd reveal the truth when it was the right moment, it's the right moment."

"I was kind of hoping you'd let that go," he said.

"Funny thing is I'm trying to let it go and this is how I'll do it," I said sternly. Roman turned all the way in his chair to face me then he pulled my chair out and turned me toward him. He reached for my hands on my lap and covered them with his.

"Can I be honest about this?" he asked.

"Yes, Chief," I responded staring directly into his deep black eyes and all I saw was concern.

"I don't think your in a place where your mentally able to do this."

"I not only told the whole world but I showed the whole world The Wild One. I don't think revealing my past about my family will be that difficult," I assured him.

"I don't know, thinking about something but actually talking about it is different Briar. I saw the look on your face when Cody made that remark," he said then lifted his hand off my lap and pointed it at my heart. "That hit somewhere deeper in you then you may think."

"I told everyone I'd reveal the truth at some point plus I told Rhea I show all my insecurities so I can't hide this one. I want to do it Chief; I feel like I need to."

"Why? Just to get one up on Sami, look Briar I don't care about the storyline and making it all look good for TV if that means it's mentally going to destroy you and once it's out, it's out, no going back." he said.

"I second that," Jey added. I looked to him, then Solo agreed and then everyone else agreed.

"I understand your concern and I'd be lying if I wasn't a little worried about how talking about it to the world would affect me. But I also feel like it'd be a weight lifted off my shoulders and I want people to understand, I want Sami to understand why I have so much hate for him, I want them all to get it. I hear your worries I really do but I feel like the only way I can move on from my old life is to tell them, all of them," I explained. Roman took a deep breath and sat back in his chair pondering the situation.

"This is really what you want to do, you thought about it?" he asked.

"I've been thinking about it nonstop since Cody made the comment. It's really what I want to do and after what happened on Smackdown, I can't be any more ready."

"Alright, alright we can go forward with it," he said and I released the breath I was holding but some of the others weren't to kin on it.

"Roman are you sure letting her do this is a good idea?" Jimmy asked.

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