Chapter 55

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My Superman

Roman, Paul, and I emerged back into gorilla to the rest of the waiting Bloodline. It was only about four other people who knew what was actually going to happen when I went out there and Jimmy, Jey, and Solo stared at us in total shock. They just thought I was going to cause Sami his chance, they had no idea Roman and I were going to tell the whole world we were together. Roman and I had much discussion since the other night about doing this, it all really came down to if my match was going to allow me to go back out there. Revealing the truth standing over Sami Zayn seemed like the perfect way to do it.

"You just did that didn't you?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes, we did," I answered. I looked up to Roman who looked as exhausted as I felt. "Are we done for the night?" I asked.

"We're done, Bloodline back to the locker room," Roman said. Jey smiled and bumped knuckles with me. Since only a few people actually knew Roman and I were together everyone stared at us holding hands as we led The Bloodline out of gorilla and down the hallway.

"Are you okay, Chief?" I asked.

"I'm good, a little sore but nothing serious," he said and I squeezed his hand.

"Are you doing okay, Wildfire?" he asked in return.

"Yeah, I'm just ready to be back at the hotel, I'm so tired Chief," I said.

"I'll get cleaned up quick and we'll go." We got back to the locker room and Roman quickly handed his belts to Paul then got his change of clothes before disappearing to the bathroom. Solo let me use his arm to walk over to the chair, it hurt a lot to bend just to sit. The brothers chattered away about everything that happened tonight as I pulled my legs up in the chair, leaned against the side of it, and closed my eyes. I never fell completely asleep but I didn't want to open my eyes either. I could sort of make out who was talking.

"She's been out the whole time," Jey said.

"You want to wake her?" Solo asked.

"No, I'll get her," Roman said. "Take our bags and let's go, are the vehicles ready?"

"Yes, my Tribal Chief," Paul said. I felt Roman's arms around me and he tried to be gentle as he picked me up. I felt his lips lightly on my forehead.

"Time to go Wildfire," he whispered to me. I felt the warmth of his chest next to my face so I snuggled my face up against him also to try to hide my face from I'm sure the seeing eyes of others that weren't Bloodline. I must of fell asleep during the walk because the next thing I remember was the sound of car doors shutting. I was on Roman's lap and he held my face against his chest as we pulled out of the parking lot and back down the road to the hotel. I fell back asleep listening to Paul and Roman talking about the strategy of getting into the hotel and when we were getting out of here in the morning. When my eyes finally opened, I tried to adjust them to see what was going on. We were in the hotel room and Roman was just approaching the door to our room. We went in and he went over to the bed.

"Chief," I whispered.

"It's okay, we're back, let's get you changed okay," he said sitting me down on the edge of the bed. He pulled off my shoes and then socks before going over and grabbing one of his big t-shirts. He helped me change into the shirt and then helped get my pants off, I couldn't believe how painful it was just to change pants. Roman looked at the bruise again, he didn't say anything but I saw his eyebrows pull together as he stared at it. He patted my knee then got up, I watched him go over to my bag and pull out my little black bag again.

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