Chapter 26

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                                                                    Becoming family

I awoke in the morning to the sound of breathing in my ear. I was laying on my side Roman's body wrapped around mine. We were sharing the same pillow and his head was right next to my ear. I blinked my eyes a few times and looked up at the clock it was going on eight-thirty. I stretched my legs out and rolled back into Roman, turning my head to look up at his face. He almost took me by surprise when I saw him blinking down at me.

"Merry Christmas, Wildfire," he whispered bending his head down to kiss the top of my head.

"Merry Christmas, Chief. How'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Pretty good, nice bed you got," he stated grinning at me. I reached my hand up to his face rubbing my thumb through his beard. His head dipped down as his lips met mine. His hand traveled down my thigh to the back of my knee and he pulled me closer. My phone chimed in a message as he deepened the kiss. We didn't pull apart for a few minutes, but he had me breathing heavy when we did. He leaned his forehead against mine.

"Check your phone, Wildfire," he said and I'd forgotten already it had gone off. Reluctantly I pulled away a little bit but Roman wouldn't let me get to far, just enough to reach my phone. I slid back in next to Roman and opened the message app finding a new message from Jimmy. Roman watched over my shoulder as I opened the message.

'Morning Little Uce, we are all hitting the gym if you and Roman want to join us.' the message read. I glanced up at Roman, for his reaction, I didn't work out yesterday so I was game.

"Tell him we are on our way," he said without hesitating. Roman kissed the side of my head again as he moved to get out of bed. I message Jimmy back saying we'd be down in a few minutes. Then I moved out of bed. Roman went to his suitcase and I went to my closet looking for working out clothes. I chose deep purple leggings and a matching sports Yoga bra. I put on socks and shoes. Stepping out of the closet Roman was sitting at the little sitting area in the corner of the room putting his sneakers on. Our titles sitting on the table next to him, I went into the bathroom to finish getting ready. Two minutes later we were heading down the stairs to the living room which was empty but I did happen to notice the presents under the tree had grown. Going into the kitchen we found Lynda, I could smell the Christmas turkey cooking in the oven.

"Morning Merry Christmas," she smiled upon seeing us. We greeted her back.

"I'll set out a light brunch mix at eleven so you all can have something after your workout. We'll eat dinner around six o'clock that okay?" she asked.

"Sounds great, thanks," I said as she slid a couple of water bottles toward us. Roman grabbed them and we followed the yelling downstairs to the gym. Solo was at the punching bag and Jey was holding it yelling at him. Jimmy was doing cardio on the treadmill. They all stopped when they saw us coming shouting greetings at us and we did the same back.

"It's great to have to a full gym and not have to worry about fans or other interruptions," Jey said as I gave Jimmy a fist bump.

"Ain't that the truth, no macho dumbasses in my space, is nice," I joked. Glancing at Roman he didn't like that comment. We all talked for a few minutes then Solo and Jey went back to the punching bag while Roman was doing weighs I joined Jimmy. While he was on the treadmill, I hopped on the rowing machine next to him. Jimmy and I chatted while we worked out, everyone switching to different equipment over the next hour till the twins decided to get in the ring. They spared with each other until Solo got in and they took turns sparing with him. I took a quick break grabbing my water and sitting on the bench across from Roman who was doing arm curls with the weights.

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