Chapter 39

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                                                  Royal Rumble Day part 1

                                                  The Wild One released

The stress of Friday had knocked me out and I slept through the whole night, probably because I hadn't slept much the last few nights. But I'd spoken my mind on Sami to the world and the family didn't completely hate me so with the weight off, I got the sleep I needed. When I woke, I was in Roman's arms and I felt his chest move steadily up and down so I knew he was still asleep. I looked up to the clock and saw it was six am. Twelve hours till the Royal Rumble went live. So many things were going to happen today and only a handful of them was I going to be able to control. I unintentional sighed out loud.

"What's wrong Wildfire?" Roman mumbled at me sleep in his voice.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up, just a lot of thoughts on my mind," I said.

"Well, why don't you unburden some of those thoughts to me," he said reaching forward to pull my hair out of my face as he leaned forward lightly kissing the side of my head.

"I actually kind of need to. I should have talked to you a while ago but I was scared to," I said with all honesty.

"I told you I'd listen to you and not dismiss anything," he said.

"This isn't about Sami or anything like that. This is about me and who I am. This is about Briar and The Wild One. I was scared if I explained about The Wild One, you'd see me different, that you.... you might not like me anymore," I stuttered but with bravery from talking with my brothers I had the courage to tell him. Roman gripped me tighter.

"I might not have seen The Wild One on full display but I assure you it won't deteriorate how I feel about you. I do know to some extent what it's like to have two sides, two different personalities. The Tribal Chief who runs everything, who is in control, who is the top has everything and will do anything to stay there. Then there's Roman who's lying right here next to you who just wants to love what I do and be surrounded by the people that matter the most and that's the people on this bus. I always want the person next to me to be you, even if I have to anchor you back down," he explained and I felt a tear in the corner of my eye, a tear of happiness that I didn't know I was capable of feeling.

"I always want you next to me too, which is why we need to talk about what's going to happen when The Wild One shows up. Things have to be done a certain way if The Wild One has a set schedule to do things she stays focused instead of going randomly out of control. I talked to Jey and Solo about it."

"You talked to them first instead of me?" he asked a hint of hurt in his voice.

"Everyone has a part I need them to help with this. As much as I worry about what they think of me, how you see me matters most, so talking to them first made it easier to talk to you. I'll need you for the most important thing, I'll need you to help Briar to return, to be my anchor so I don't stay lost in my mind. Will you help me bring me back?"

"Every time," he said without hesitation.

"Great here's what I need you to do and what going to happen." I said then we talked for the next forty-five minutes about everything. With each thing about me revealed and he didn't reject me I felt some relief, most of it in my heart.

It was a quiet morning after our talk, like the calm silence before a tornado. We got up and I threw on some sweats that I'd stay in till it was time to get ready for my match. We went out to join the others for breakfast, it was peaceful. I was basking in it for I knew when we stepped off the bus it'd be nothing but chaos. After breakfast I went back to the bedroom and packed my bag for the locker room. I packed a basic Briar look, something I'd wear for segments. I put some of my gear like my boots in my bag but The Wild One outfit I'd have to pick up from Cindy in wardrobe. I still haven't seen the full outfit completed yet, but when I talked to Cindy a few days ago she assured me it was already to go. Once packed I took to sitting at the edge of the bed. In the mist of my solitude, my phone rang. It was the person who'd understand me the best.

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