Chapter 69.5

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Monday Night RAW 3/20/23

Apologies and Pepper Spray Part 2

Here's another long one. It's been a crazy week in WWE and also on this side of things! Enjoy!

I glanced at Solo whose hand had yet to leave my shoulder. We walked through the hallways and everyone was staring at me, which nothing new but no one said anything just stared. I didn't know if it was because I spilled my truth or because I pepper sprayed Sami Zayn on live TV. We turned down the hallway of the locker room and Jimmy, Jey, and Paul were standing outside the door. They stopped talking and stared at me when they heard us coming. Once Solo and I had joined the group no one said anything at first. I looked to Jey.

"You do that for me?" he asked.

"Yes, and for Jimmy and Solo, and Paul, and Nicole, and Rick, and Roman. For the whole family," I said. The twins looked at each other than all of a sudden, they both grinned.

"Hell yeah, Little Uce," Jimmy said.

"One of the most epic moments in RAW history, I couldn't believe what I was hearing or seeing," Jey said then they both hugged me.

"I hate to break up this moment," a nervous Paul started saying. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"I got this," I said.

"He had a look I'd never seen before," Paul said.

"Okay I got this," I said again but that time when I said it, I didn't know if I was reassuring him or me. I took a deep breath. I was about to open the door when I realized Solo's hand was still on my shoulder. I peered up at him.

"Solo, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere, after that he's probably going to handcuff himself to me so I don't do anything else. Its fine," I said then he finally let go. I reached for the handle again and walked in. Roman was sitting there at the edge of his chair his hands folded together and his head was down as in deep thought. I quietly walked in, but I don't know why, I knew he knew I was there. I sat down on the edge of the couch right beside him my knee just an inch from his. I couldn't stand the silence so I tried to talk first.

"Roman," I said tentatively but he held up a hand. I knew I was about to get a side of Roman I'd never been on the receiving end of. I gritted my teeth and waited for the Tribal Chief to explode.

"Who's in charge of this family?" he asked.

"You are Chief," I said trying not to sound nervous.

"Did you approve that segment with your Chief?"

"No, I did not."

"Then explain to me WHY YOU'D DO THAT, EXPLAIN SO I UNDERSTAND!" Roman yelled. This was the first time he yelled like that at me.

"I'm sorry, I......," I started to say.

"I don't want an apology; we went over tonight's plans. I don't remember you being in the opening segment, and I don't remember you explaining your situation in that matter. I want an explanation Briar and I want one NOW!" he ordered. I took a second for him to calm before I spoke again. As scared as I was in the moment some of the confidence from just a little bit go still lingered.

"Alright, I take it back, I'm not sorry. I'd do it all over again too!" I declared. Roman raised his eyebrow at me. "I know I made a promise and I broke it, I'm sorry about that but I meant everything I said out there. I.... I.... guess I.... panicked," I said staring at my knees. I clutched my fists by my side. My jaw was lifted up by Roman's finger and I gazed into those dark black eyes.

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