Chapter 2

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Morgan woke up from a sleep he barely had, tossing and turning all night thinking about the one girl that slipped through the cracks. He was probably never going to see her again and he didn't like the thought of that at all.

After he went back and sat with his friends at the bar they just kept saying she's somebody else's problem and that just got him thinking about lyrics, so he put pen to paper and before he knew it he had a chorus to a song about a girl that he wanted to be his problem.

He picked up his guitar and started playing,

"She's somebody's problem, somebody's goodbye
Somebody's last call number that they can't find
Somebody's best day, somebody's worst night
Somebody's reason for leavin' on the porch light
Thinkin' 'bout them tan lines, and I'm thinkin' damn, I'd
Love to drown in them heartbreaker blue eyes
Shе's somebody's problem and somebody's problem's
About to be mine"

Once he finished he sighed and put his guitar down only to be interrupted by Hardy,

"She really got you that bad?"

Morgan rubbed his face, "I'll never see her again."

Hardy watched as his best mate fell backwards onto his bed, "You didn't get her number?"

"Man she left before I even had the chance. Said she didn't want to be another conquest and that was that," he sighed loudly, "God damn man."

Hardy patted his friend on the knee, "Well to get your mind off it we are heading out for breakfast and then Ern was thinking about a hike or something?"

"A hike? Ern hiking? What's gotten into him?" Morgan laughed.

"Don't know man, said we are in Banff after all we may aswell do things that you do in Banff."

"Right," Morgan laughed, "Guess I'll get changed then."

"Yeah you better, also as soon as we get back home we are making that damn chorus into a song, your your best when your heartbroken even though it's a shit feeling."

Morgan threw a dirty sock at Hardy causing him to leave, "Get out of here before I change my damn mind."


Abi ate her cereal as she waited for her friends to wake up, she was feeling not as hungover as expected which she was thankful for but she didn't think that would be the case for her friends.

They were staying on a beautiful little camp site that they had for two more days and she wanted to soak all of that up but she gathered she'd be doing that by herself today.

She grabbed her phone and was shocked by her reflection, quickly jumping up and running to the tiny bathroom she gasped, "God dam Wallen."

She had bruising forming around her nose, even though it wasn't broken it was sure far from perfect. She just hoped it would be gone in a couple days because it didn't exactly look very appealing.

Abi chuckled to herself as she walked outside into the sunlight taking a quick selfie and posting it into her instagram stories, laughing at the caption,

I met somebody and he's got blue eyes. Where stories live. Discover now