Chapter 14

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Morgan woke up to his head pounding, he felt for Abi next to him but noticed straight away she wasn't there. He sat up pulling his legs off the bed, he leant down to grab his shirt he'd taken off the night before sliding it over his head as he stood up.

He made his way down the stairs and noticed Abi was making coffee, "Mornin'."

She turned around and smiled to him, "How's the head?"

"It's been better, how long you been up for? I thought your head would be pounding too."

She smiled faintly as she slid a coffee towards him, "It's not too bad...So Morgan about last night."

He ignored the cup of coffee she slid over to him and walked around towards her, pulling her in for a hug, "I didn't mean to upset you, I'm sorry that I lost my cool, please I'm sorry."

Abi squeezed him tight and then pulled back, "I just don't want to see you get like that Morgan, violence is not the answer and look where it's gotten you in the past. Imagine if that guy pressed charges, it's all over the internet."

Morgan ran his hand through his hair angrily. That explained all the missed phone calls from his manager.

"I know, I lost my cool."

"I'm not some damsel in distress."

"He called you a bitch and he kept tugging on you like you were his property and what did he even whisper in your ear as-well?"

"So what if he called me a bitch! Did you not see me throw my drink in his face? And then I would have come and got you and we would have left. Problem solved."

"I don't appreciate any man calling my girlfriend a bitch and you didn't answer my question," Morgan said somewhat annoyed.

"What, what question?" She said confused.

"What did he whisper in your ear?" Abi didn't answer straight away, "Abi what did he say to you?"

"He was just saying how much he wanted me and how much of a piece of shit you are. Hence why I pushed him away because he was a low life dick."

If you could see steam coming out of a persons ears, there would be a lot coming out of Morgan's. He was sieving.

"I'm glad I knocked him onto his ass then."

Abi rolled her eyes, "Are you fucking serious?"

"What do you expect from me Abi? To just shrug it off like nothing? He wouldn't leave you alone and then he called you a bitch and was grabbing you. Your my girl, I was just trying to protect you."

She sighed, "I don't want you punching people because your jealous."

He scoffed, "You think that that was the reason? Seriously?"

"Well let's face it. If you weren't jealous you wouldn't have been watching my like a hawk and come running over like a night in shining armour when that guy was being a dick. I had it handled."

"I cannot believe we are actually fighting about this right now."

"Fine you don't want to fight about it I'll walk away, give you a second for you to figure out why I'm actually angry."

"Don't walk away Abi! Okay fuck! What do you want from me? I got jealous. Fine. You want me to admit that? Fine I'll admit that. You want me to admit that I was watching you while you were on the dance floor? Fine I'll admit that too but not because I was jealous and worried about that stupid prick it was because you looked sexy as hell and I couldn't keep my eyes off you. I'll also admit that yes I shouldn't have used violence but fuck that guy deserved it because no one disrespects my girl like that. Abi I'm sorry okay, I promise I will try and contain myself next time and we will walk out before something like that happens but I will never not protect you. I love you too much for you to get walked all over."

Abi watched as Morgan took a deep breath, "You really think I looked sexy as hell?"

He laughed, "Always."

"I'm sorry I overreacted but I just worry about you. I don't want anything to happen to you. You've gotten so far for that to all be thrown away because of some stupid bar fight."

"I promise I'll try not to let there be a next time. Cause this," he motioned between them with his hand, "I don't like seeing you upset, going to bed angry and fighting with you."

"I don't like it either," she started tracing her finger up his arm that was leaning on the kitchen counter, "You know what I do like about it though?"

Morgan raised an eyebrow, "What's that huh?"

"I hear makeup sex is the best type of sex."

Morgan licked his lips and then crashed them on hers. He picked her up by her ass and placed her on the counter, they were quick to rid of their clothes and get lost in each other. And yes, makeup sex was definitely the best sex. Well one of the best anyway.


Morgan was rubbing Abi's back while she lay on top of him on the lounge, "So we good?"

"Yeah baby we are. Keep your head on straight though okay?"

He nodded, "I'll do my best."


Morgan waited but he didn't get angry thing, "So what?"

"I don't think I ever want to go home."

"Then don't."

She sat up straddling him, "That your way of saying move in with me."

"Maybe?" He said casually.

"You seriously want me to move in with you, we've known each other for less then three months."

"So I think it's going pretty good, don't you? We've had one hiccup but I wouldn't exactly say it was all that bad. I love you Ab, your like no other girl I've ever dated before. Your the girl I can see myself marrying so yes that's my way of saying move in with me."

Abi could have cried, "Okay."

"Okay!" She said excitedly as she bent down to kiss him, "I guess I need to look for a job now and apply for a working visa."

"You really wanna do this?"

She smiled, "I really do. So I'm sorry but your going to have to get use to me and start sharing that walk in closest with me Morgan."

"It will be my pleasure."

"You do realise though that this isn't just going to be like a every day regular move house type of thing, I'm literally moving countries. My parents are going to freak and I haven't even met yours. Are we moving to fast?"

He shrugged, "Maybe? But hey, I know people that have moved in together after a month or so once they started dating. I think it's just different because your from a different country, it's a massive step but hey I'm willing if you are."

"Let's do this."

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