Chapter 26

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Fourteen weeks pregnant. Wow. How was she this far along already? And she was already showing, that worried her. Especially when Morgan told her he was on the larger scale of new born babies.

They were currently patiently waiting at the obstetricians office for an ultrasound. The ultrasound that was going to tell them whether their baby was a boy or girl. Well hopefully if he or she was in the right position.

Abi kept putting her hand on Morgan's knee to comfort him and try get him to stop bouncing it up and down, "What is with you?"

"Sorry. Doctors make me nervous," Morgan apologised.

"Any reason?"

"Don't like needles..."

Abi chuckled, "But your not here to get a needle Morg."

"I know but still..."

"Your an idiot," she laughed.

Her name got called and they made their way into the room. Abi got situated on the bed while Morgan stood next to her closely and grabbed her hand.

The doctor smeared the gel on Abi's belly and then started moving the machine around, it wasn't long before an image came up and then shortly after the sound of a heartbeat, Morgan's eyes glistened.

Abi held up her hand to his cheek, "You okay?"

"More then ok," he leant down to kiss the top of her head, "That's our baby Ab. How's he looking doc?"

"So we think he's a boy?" They both nodded, "Do we want a confirmation?"

"Please," Abi smiled.

The doctor moved the ultrasound machine around a little more and then played around with a few buttons. She then looked at the two and smiled, "Congratulations Mom and Dad your having a boy."

Abi couldn't help but tear up and Morgan wasn't far behind her, he leant down to hug and kiss her, "Would you like some sonogram pictures?" The doctor asked.

Abi nodded, "Yes please."

"You can collect them at the front desk," the doctor done a few more things and checked everything to make sure their little boy was healthy and everything checked out so once they had left the hospital and were back in Morgan's truck Abi turned to him and smiled, "A boy. You happy?"

"I would have been happy regardless but wow. A boy. That's crazy. And hearing his heartbeat, man. I'm a changed man."

"You happy? I know you weren't thrilled at the start..."

"I'm way past that now babe. I'm so happy, I'm happy with you, I'm happy with the tour and I'm happy that we are going to be parents. Life is good."

Abi tested her hand on her belly and smiled, "Life is really good."

Morgan took one of the sonogram photos out of the envelope, he pulled down his sun visor and tucked it in, Abi smiled when he looked at her, "And soon it can be a picture of you and him, the loves of my life."

"Your cheesy."

"You love me though," Morgan joked.

"That I do," she laughed, "I think it's time to tell the world."

Morgan looked at her, "You sure? There's no rush."

"If you want to wait we can but I'm fourteen weeks and I don't know. Let your fans be just as happy as we are."

"Okay I'm down with that, I'll post it though. I feel like your always giving them sneak peaks into my life, let me lead this one."

She smiled, "Okay I'll leave it to you. Wow can't believe we are having a boy, now we can start picking names and getting a nursery organised..."

"Yeah about that. What room are we going to use?"

"One of them so you need to decide what your doing with half of them considering you have shit in every room..."

Morgan sighed, "Yeah I know. We will get that sorted the next week off between touring. I just want to soak up the fact that we have a couple more days before we hit the road and that we are having a boy and again that life is good."

"Okay deal. But don't you dare leave it last minute. I'd sort it out but I am not getting into trouble for moving your shit around..."

"What would you care, you move my shit around anyway," he said interrupting.

"That's true but you know what I mean."

"Yeah I do..."

Morgan laughed and then grabbed his phone from the dash, "Man I'm having a son."

Abi smiled as she looked at Morgan. The man she was having a baby with. The man she moved halfway across the world for, the man she now lives with and loves. He was so smitten with the news and couldn't wipe the smile off his face and that made her love him even more.

Morgan's Instagram Post:  I'm going to be a dad y'all, baby Wallen coming soon

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Morgan's Instagram Post: 
I'm going to be a dad y'all, baby Wallen coming soon

Morgan showed Abi the post before he pressed post, she nodded and smiled, "Good thing you didn't say it was going to be a boy, we should probably get on the phone and let everyone know we have a mini Morgan cooking up in here."

He chuckled, "Let's go home and do that, love you Ab."

"Love you more."

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