Chapter 8

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Morgan Wallen; I'm tapping out Nashville, see y'all again soon ✌🏻

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Morgan Wallen; I'm tapping out Nashville, see y'all again soon ✌🏻

The post was liked by thousands in no time and people were commenting left right and centre trying to figure out what was going on. He rarely ever posted much other then his music or anything like that so for him to do a post that sounded so secretive to everyone, it blew up.

Abi saw the post on her lunch break and smiled, the last two weeks had flown by thankfully and she couldn't wait to be in his arms again.

They'd spoken as much as they could, FaceTimed when they got the chance and of course missed each other a whole lot.

Abi couldn't wait to show him her life but she couldn't stop thinking about what was going to happen when the two weeks was up.

She was currently on her lunch break when her friend from work walked over to her, "Hey Abi, how you been holding up?"

"Good Penny, yourself?"

"Good, your holiday looked amazing. Feel like I haven't had the chance to speak to you since you got back. I saw all the pictures though looks like you had the most amazing time."

Abi smiled, "I really did."

"And I noticed you met Morgan Wallen?! What was that like? Is he a sweetheart?" Penny gushed, she was a big fan aswell, too bad she didn't know all the behind the scenes as to what was happening.

"Yeah I did. He really is a sweetheart."

"I noticed he even commented on the post you posted of the two of you at the top of that hike? Aswell as liking a lot of your posts. What is going on there?"

Abi took a deep breath and smiled wide, "We kinda hit it off and have kinda been talking?"

"Are you serious? Oh my god!"

Abi told her to sit down and be a little quieter as she didn't want to draw attention in the middle of the hospital cafeteria, "Yeah. You can't tell anyone but there's something else..."

"Oh my god are you two dating?" He friend said excitedly.

"I guess you could call it that? We haven't made things official yet as we've only known each other for like three weeks."

"I'm so gob smacked right now."

Abi laughed, "Trust me so am I. There's actually something else though," Penny waited in suspense, "He's coming to visit. He leaves Nashville in about thirty minutes."

I met somebody and he's got blue eyes. Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu