Chapter 20

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Three minutes.

Abi paced back and fourth in the bathroom, wondering how she'd got into this situation. Even though her and Morgan were in a steady relationship this certainly wasn't in the plan. When did it even happen if it had happened.

But then again the last couple weeks between the two of them had been somewhat rocky. He'd asked her to marry him and she said she needed time to think about it. And that she wanted him to really think about it aswell and not just do it given the situation.

Only two more minutes.

They'd been dating for nine months now. Things had been going well until those two words left Morgan's mouth. They'd been trying to act like it didn't happen, well he had anyway but it had happened. They weren't ready though. She knew that, she didn't want it to be rushed because there had been a life or death situation. She wanted it to happen when they were ready to take that step.

Now she was currently in a bathroom taking a pregnancy test in a stadium where her boyfriend was about to go on stage and he had no idea.

It was the first night of the US tour. And what a way to start it. Instead of being out there with him getting pumped up she was waiting for a test to tell her her fate.

So when she found out the result positive or negative she probably wouldn't be able to tell him straight away and that freaked her out even more. She'd have to stand backstage cheering him on like everything was okay. And maybe everything was okay and she was just jumping to conclusions.

One more minute.

What would this mean for them? If this was to happen. What was he going to say? First she somewhat said no to his sudden proposal atleast told him she needed time when she knew the answer was no already and now she could potentially be pregnant? Great. What a way to start the tour.

Ding ding. Her phone went off and a knock knock at the door. Shit. She looked down at the test with shaky hands. Gasping then tucking it into her purse she opened the door, it was Caleigh, "Morgan's about to go on girl, he's wondering where his girl is."

Abi smiled, "Yep coming."

Caleigh looked at her friend, "You okay?"

"Never better." 

They walked towards the stage, quickly towards Morgan and his band members, "Babe, I was worried I wouldn't see you before the show."

Abi gave him a big hug, bigger than he expected, she let go of his neck and smiled as she pulled back, "Sorry bathroom break."

Morgan furrowed his eyebrows but nodded, knowing something was wrong but not wanting to address it right now he got everyone to huddle around for the prayer circle, it was a ritual for each show.

Once they were finished, they all stood back up cheering for the night ahead. Morgan grabbed Abi's hand bringing her close, "You good?"

She nodded but didn't say anything just leant her head on his chest, he rested his chin on her head pulling her close for a hug and then bent his knees a little so he could see into her eyes, "Babe? You sure?"

Her eyes started welling  up, again she nodded but couldn't say much. She took a deep breath and smiled, "Of course, go. You gotta go."

I met somebody and he's got blue eyes. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora