Chapter 32

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The next morning Morgan woke up to his phone buzzing with many tags of him and this girl he supposedly cheated on Abi with. He rolled his eyes and switched off his phone. Whatever people could do to make something 'news' they'd do it. He threw his phone on the other side of the bed and got up.

He kept thinking what would be going through Abi's mind right now. Would she have slept last night? Would she be missing him? Because he knew for a fact he missed her in every way possible. They were suppose to get married in less then twenty four hours and he didn't even know if that was going to happen anymore.

He walked downstairs and made his was to the kitchen. He thought to himself that if this was the old him he'd be downing a glass of whiskey right now but the thought of that made him sick.

Morgan heard footsteps behind him, he turned around and it was Hardy, "Mornin' man, how'd you sleep?"

Morgan shrugged, "I didn't."

Hardy walked towards his friend and squeezed his shoulder, "Coffee?" Morgan nodded his head, "Caleigh spoke to Abi late last night."

His eyes went wide as he looked towards Hardy, "How is she?"

"Confused, sad..." Hardy shrugged, "I don't know what to say man."

Morgan rubbed his hand over his face and leant on the kitchen counter, "This can't be it man. It can't be."

Hardy slid over the coffee to Morgan, "She just needs time Mo, it's not the end."

"How do you know that though?"

"I don't. But I know the love you guys have, it takes a lot to give that up and I can't see her doing that."

Morgan smiled faintly, "I just want to see her."

"I know man I know. You just gotta wait and let her come to you. I know your not the most patient man but you gotta let her take the lead on this one," Morgan just nodded his head, he didn't know what else to say.

Caleigh walked downstairs to where the boys were, she patted Morgan on the forearm and gave Hardy a goodmorning kiss, "Hey you guys, how you doing Mo?"

He shrugged once again, "Been better."

"Well you might be better once I tell you what I'm about to tell you."

He looked up quickly, "What?"

"Abi just messaged me, she's coming over. She wants to talk to you."

His eyes lit up, "When?"

"She called me on the way other so she'll be here any minute," Caleigh walked over and squeezed his forearm, "You guys are going to be fine, I'm proud of how far you've come."

"Thanks Caleigh, means a lot. Trust me I like this Morgan a lot more."

Hardy went to say something but then they were interrupted by knocking at the door, "I'll get it."

Hardy and Caleigh watched as Morgan pretty much ran to the front door, "He loves that girl so much, I've never seen him like this before."

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