Chapter 15

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The last couple of weeks Abi and Morgan had been on the down low. Abi had gone back to Australia to pack up the rest of her things, storing some items at her parents, shipping over the rest of her clothes and belongings she didn't want to part with and donating or giving Bella the leftover things.

Morgan had been in the studio doing the last finishing touches to his next album they planned on releasing in March. Which was four months away. Only a couple weeks before they planned on starting yet another tour. It hadn't been announced yet but everyone was super excited. Especially Abi because Australia was the first stop.

Now that Abi had been back in Nashville for a couple days and was back into the rhythm of the time zone she'd organised to catch up with Caleigh. They'd become friends which Abi was thankful for because she didn't know anybody.

Abi was sitting in a coffee shop waiting for Caleigh to arrive, flicking through the job advertisements. She planned on applying at the hospital and a couple of doctors surgeries but she didn't exactly know how hard it would be being from a different country.

She saw Caleigh come in the door so she got up and hugged her, "Hi! It's so good to see you."

"You too! God it feels good to feel somewhat normal again, that trip wrecked me," Abi said as they say back down.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah I think because I done it in such a short amount of time, there was so much driving, partying with friends, packing and time zone changes I was exhausted when I got back. I'm still not great but I don't feel like a zombie today so that's nice."

Caleigh chuckled, "Your crazy, I don't know how you managed cramming all that into such a short trip."

She shrugged, "It was mainly just to get rid of things really. The only things I bought back were clothes and bits and pieces. The rest I got rid of or stored at my parents place. I just wanted to get it over and done with so I could just focus on being in one spot."

"Atleast you'll be use to it when the next tour starts with Morgan, it can get pretty hectic."

"I'm so excited. You've been on a tour before what's it like?"

"So much fun. It's different with Michael because we like to spend a little more time in a location to explore but Morgan doesn't really. That might change now that he has you now though."

"Guess we will see," they stopped talking as the waitress took their order, "Can I ask a serious question?"

"Of course," Caleigh nodded.

"What was Morgan actually like before he met me?"

Caleigh took a deep breath, "Crazy. A player, didn't care what the world thought of him. In all honesty it changed a little before he met you after the racial slur thing. He definitely tamed it down but he is a completely different now he's with you. If your worried about him cheating I honestly think those days are over. I have never seen him like this. He's truly in love."

"I really hope so. I don't want to regret all of this."

"You won't. I'll kick his ass if anything happens anyway, that goes for most of us. We really like you."

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