Chapter 18

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It was that time, the day of Morgan's 3rd Album release. Throughout the day Abi sat on her phone and watched people's reactions, watched the songs get higher and higher on the charts and she couldn't be prouder of him.

Abi's Instagram Post:

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Abi's Instagram Post:

Eight months ago if you told me this would be my life I would have laughed and said yeah right.
It has been an absolute whirlwind but I'm so glad I've been along for the ride.
Morg, I couldn't be prouder of you. Seeing the behind the scenes of how hard you work amazes me every day. I love you and I can't wait for everyone to love this album as much as I do.
Everyone make sure you go listen! Let's get this to number 1 #onethingatatime
(Tagged: @morganwallen)

@morganwallen replied: So much love for you.

Abi smiled as she put her phone down and continued packing her bag. They were flying out to Australia in a week and she was so excited.

Not only would she get to see her family but she was going to get to experience one of Morgan's actual concerts, not only as a huge fan but also his girlfriend.

He'd even allowed time for them to go visit her family for a few days which she appreciated. So they had CMC in Queensland, then Sydney and then Melbourne finished off with a trip to her home town. It was going to be a full on trip but she couldn't wait.

Her phone started ringing and she noticed it was Bella, she smiled and answered it;

"Hey!" Abi said happily.

"I can't believe I get to see you in a week. I also can't believe you got me tickets to his Sydney show. Are you so excited. Cute post by the way, you two are so loved up it's making all his fans jealous."

Abi laughed, "Oh well. They love it and hate it all at the same time. And yes I'm so excited. And we will be home for a few days too so lots of catch up time there! You'll be there both nights in Sydney anyway won't you? We can do dinner and something throughout the day. I miss you guys so much it makes my heart hurt."

Bella sighed, "We will be there the whole time you guys are in Sydney. So like it or not we will be cramping your style."

Abi laughed, but she didn't care in the slightest. Having her two best friends around was going to be the best.

"Cramp my style as much as you want."

"So his album is already going crazy! Everyone loves it. And man 36 songs wowza!"

"Yeah he's worked his ass off. Who would of thought he could pull that off for a second time."

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