Chapter 6

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Abi woke up in the arms of Morgan, she smiled and nuzzled in closer. She traced her fingers along his biceps, the man had been working out.

She didn't want to wake him so she rolled over gently and grabbed her phone, she scrolled through Instagram smiling at the post she made late last night;

Damn I got to see those blue eyes again. Calgary Stampede you were amazing 👌🏻@morganwallen @calgarystampede

 Calgary Stampede you were amazing 👌🏻@morganwallen @calgarystampede

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She scrolled through the comments, mostly good. And most people fussing over whether her and Morgan were actually a thing or if she was just another fan girl. If only they could see her now she thought.

Morgan woke up pulling her back into his embrace, "What you doing all the way over there."

"Sorry...Just checking that post."

"Oh yeah, everyone saying good things?"

Ahi nodded and started peppering kisses along his jawline, "Yeah they are. But I don't really wanna think about that right now..."

"Oh yeah...Is that right," he let her take control just thinking about how this couldn't get any better.


Abi and Morgan had two more days together before they had to leave each other and they were both avoiding the conversation.

The girls had bought it up to her and the boys had bought it up to him but they didn't want to think about it.

Morgan invited Abi over for the night to spend it in getting room service, talking and enjoying each others company. She was so down for that and her friends told her to go because it was the last night she'd get with him because the following afternoon they were flying to Vancouver.

She wore comfy sweats over to his hotel, thriving on the opportunity to be comfortable instead of dressed up like she'd been every other night she'd seen him. She knocked on his room. Thanking his tour manager in her head for booking him seperate to Hardy this time, he opened the door smiling, "I've missed you."

Abi walked straight into his embrace holding him close, he pushed the door close then wrapped both arms around her, "Man you smell good."

"I washed my hair before I came here, I always like to fly with fresh hair, makes me feel less gross."

Morgan sighed, "Don't go."

She let him go and walked over to the lounge, falling down onto it and tucking in her legs. Resting her chin on her knees, "We gotta talk about this, all of this. Things have moved fast and I don't know what to think about it all."

I met somebody and he's got blue eyes. Where stories live. Discover now