Chapter 5

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The girls sat waiting at the front of the main stage at the Calgary stampede. With another hundred or so people around them. It was nearing seven o'clock and Abi was completely exhausted. They'd walk around all day, eating and watching all the rodeo events. It was an amazing day but she was definitely ready for a nap. Although something told her by the time the performance started that she'd get a burst of energy.

"Man I wonder who it is. Still have no idea," Lana said. She'd been researching all day to see if it was at least worth it to stay but nothing was on socials. But she was a party goer anyway and wanted some action so she was definitely staying.

"There is a big curtain up over the banner so I assume they let it down soon for an announcement, surely. They can't keep us in suspense all night," Bella pointed up high.

"Well I hope it starts soon cause man this girl is getting tired, "Abi said yawning.

She grabbed her phone taking a selfie to post on her Insta stories;

*Still waiting, I have no doubt it's going to be someone amazing but Calgary Stampede you gotta let us know sooner or later!

Morgan was backstage warming up his vocals when he flicked through his phone, noticing a new story from Abi. He'd messaged her sporadically through the day but not much because he'd been practising that damn song. He and the crew had it down though so hopefully he didn't stuff it up in front of everybody.

He opened up her story and smiled, showing it up to Hardy, "She's right up the front bro."

"Better put on a good show then, when they going to announce it?"

"Any minute now I think. Ern will go on, then me and then you. You reckon your girl will be excited?"

Morgan shrugged, "Hopefully, she's always wanted to go to a concert but never scored a ticket so I guess so."

"Is Wallen nervous?"

"Kinda man yeah. Anyway..."


Abi looked up and people were on stage, they were getting an announcement soon but before she said anything to her friends she noticed someone familiar around the equipment, she gasped.

"What? AJ you good?" Bella said resting a hand on her friends shoulder.

"It's him..."

"What who's hun?" Her friends looked around confused.

Abi bought her friends in closer trying to stay some what private amongst all the other people that surrounded them, "Morgan. He's the one singing. Duh it all makes sense now!"

"How do you know that?" Bella questioned, looking up at the stage for some type of clue only to get pulled back down into the huddle by Lana.

"I just saw his guitarist, Luke. Holy fuck! We are actually going to see him live." Abi fan girl'd. Yes she actually knew the man now but to watch him live...It was one of her wishes.

"Our girls getting butterflies," Lana said nudging her friend playfully.

"Oh Shutup, oh look someone's coming out with a microphone," Abi said pointing as they stood up, following suit to everyone around them.

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