Chapter 7

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Abi stayed with Morgan that night not wanting to leave his side, she smiled once again waking up in his embrace but it was short lived when she noticed the time. She had to go and check out of the hotel, "Morgan."

She nudged him again, "Morgan wake up.

Morgan fluttered his eyes open, "Mornin'."

"I gotta go."

"No," he squeezed her tighter, "I can't do that, can't let you leave."

"I gotta go pack and check out of the hotel, then the girls want to grab brunch and then we'll head to the airport."

"That makes me sad."

"Same but there ain't much I can do."

"We are going to make this work," Morgan said pulling her close, "I can promise you that."

She blinked back tears, she was so emotional about it all because it had all happened so quickly but she was falling for him. Hard. And now she had to leave him and hope for the best.


The girls packed and had brunch at the little cafe below where they were staying, "How you doing girl?"

"Yeah good as can be. I think I really like him Bells," Abi said taking a sip of her coffee.

"We can see that. People have also been going crazy over your interactions with each other." Lana said showing her friend her recent increase of followers.

Abi nodded, "Yeah tell me about it. People are crazy and all they want to know is what's going on in Morgan's life."

"We'll your what's going on in his life," Bella joked.

"Yeah I guess but he's posted nothing and I've only posted stuff a normal fan would..."

"But he's liked and replied to you, that doesn't happen to every fan," Lana butted in.

"Yeah anyway, now we just gotta see if we can make it work from one side of the world to the other," Abi shrugged.

"God are you worried?" Bella asked.

"Of course, I know his past but he's said this is different so we will see."

"It won't take long to find out...Time difference will be a bitch," Lana said.

Abi nodded and frowned, "Your not wrong I miss him already."

"Aw babe," her friends said as they tried comforting her this was going to be a long road. Hopefully anyway because she'd go on any road to be with him. Even though she had doubts she had hope so she was going to hold onto that.


Morgan paced his hotel room packing his suitcase, they decided to start heading back home tonight. Hardy walked into the room, "She gone man?"

"Yeah she's at the airport now. I wish she was from around here man."

"You just gotta fight for it. Make it work, I can see there is something there because you've never been like this with any girl. You seem like you really want to give this a shot."

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