Chapter 33

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Abi had never seen Morgan this quiet and this still in the whole year she'd known him. She was currently laying on a hospital bed, shirt pulled up as the doctor moved around the ultrasound machine around her belly.

Morgan had done nothing but hold Abi's hand in silence the whole car ride over. Then rested his hand on the lower part of her back as they walked in, he explained everything to the front desk lady which Abi was thankful for because she was scared and lost for words.

Even though the last forty eight hours had been rocky between them, he was being her rock. But now she was looking at him standing there blankly and it was breaking her. She could tell her strong he was trying to be but knew deep down he was terrified. He was holding onto her hand silently as he had glazed over eyes trying to keep it together.

She took deep breaths and tried to think positive but when the doctor was being just as silent she couldn't help but let all the negatives wash over her.

"Okay, Miss Jones..." the doctors eyes were glued to the screen and once she saw his lip curl up faintly into a smile she let tears slip. Then once she heard the heartbeat of their baby fill the small room she let the tears completely fall from her eyes, "There's your little one, just in a position that's hard to feel movements..."

Morgan rubbed his eyes and then kissed the top of Abi's head, "He's okay baby, he's fine."

"You explained that you've been a little stressed the last couple days so that may have caused you to not even think you were getting any movement but I can assure you everything is looking good, you've got a very healthy boy cooking in there and he'll most likely be kicking again in no time."

Abi smiled, "Thanks doc," she pulled Morgan's hand up and kissed the top of it, "Can we go home now?"

"Yeah your all good to go, I'll have the nurse come in and discharge you," the doctor smiled to the young couple and then left.

Morgan leant down and bought Abi into his arms, "Please don't hold back something like that again, no matter how angry or sad you are at me. I have never felt so empty and worried in my life about anything."

"I know, I'm sorry. But everything is okay."

He kissed her lips, "Everything is perfect."

"Let's go and get married..."

Morgan stood up straight and furrowed his eyebrows, "Babe we are...Tomorrow?"

"I don't want to wait."

"You seriously want to go get married right now?"

Abi nodded with a big grin on her face, "Yes I do. I don't want to wait, we've had a whirlwind of a ride this past year. You don't know what's right around the corner, I don't want to wait any longer. Let's go get married and then tomorrow we can have a big party to celebrate."

Morgan kissed her lips, "Let's go get married then."


They stood at the end of the aisle in one of Nashvilles 24/7 chapels, neither of them thought this was how their wedding was going to happen but neither of them cared.

They didn't have their wedding bands, they were both dressed casually, Abi had water stained cheeks and Morgan had his hat on backwards but they were both excited to finally make this official.

Now it was time for their vows, Abi pulled out her phone and smiled up at Morgan, holding one of his hands, "Morgan. Who knew I'd be standing here, twenty three weeks pregnant a year into the rest of our lives at a 24/7 wedding chapel. I didn't. But it is possibly one of the best things I've ever done. This year has been one for the records. I never meant to meet you, you were my celebrity crush that turned into my best friend and the person I love. You make me laugh until I can't breathe anymore, you make me so happy to the point I'm crying happy tears and of course you make me angry to the point I want to throw something at you," Morgan chuckled, "But it's worth it. Getting to wake up by your side every morning gives me butterfly's, hearing you sing the first line to a song in a stadium filled with thousands of people makes my heart skip a beat and hearing you say I love you puts a smile on my face for the rest of the day. I could go on forever but I won't. I'll just say that I love you now, I'll love you until we are grey and old and I'll love you forever. I cannot wait to start this family with you and to see what life is going to bring us."

Morgan wiped away the tears that had fallen onto Abi's cheeks and then wiped away a couple that had fallen on his. Then he smiled widely, "Don't know how I'm going to top that but anyway. I did not do a speech, my plan was to wing it. Silly plan but anyway here goes," he took a deep breath as Abi chuckled tears rolling down her cheeks, "Miss Abigail Jones, where to start? I don't know what made you want me, for starters I nearly broke your nose, then I made you move your whole life across to the other side of the world, then I turned your life upside down with all the things that came with being my girlfriend. But I'm so glad you wanted me because it's made me the happiest man alive. I'm finally whole. I can't explain to you how much I love you. I love having you there singing my songs at every concert, I love waking up beside you every morning, I love that you get angry at me when I leave my keys on the bench, I love when you drive my truck, I love your freckles...I could go on and on because I just can't get enough of you. Baby I can't wait until you make me a father and we become a family and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you, I love you so much."

Morgan bought her hand up to kiss the top of it gently as she mouthed the words, 'I Love you.'

"Rings?" The officiant asked, they both chuckled and shook their heads, "Kinda wasn't planned," Morgan smirked.

"Well then it's my great honour to pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your beautiful bride," the officiant smiled as Morgan pulled Abi in close, cupped one side of her face and kissed her.

They kissed for a few seconds before pulling back, they both smiled at each other, "I love you Mrs Wallen."

"I love you too Morgan. I could get use to that," they both chuckled.

"That's the plan."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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