Mimban offensive

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''Aaaaaaaaah!'' I screamed as I was sent flying high up into the air. A Mimbanese missile had exploded near my position and the explosion sent me flying.


I landed quite hard on the ground and I could feel something paining. ''Yeah, I think I broke a rib.'' I said as I got up to take a better understanding of my current situation. The tactics issued by my superiors was absolute garbage. To simply charge full force against a line of repeaters and rockets seemed stupid and a complete waste of resources. Not to mention that the Mimbanese had the home field advantage, making us sitting ducks.

''Get up, colonel!'' shouted the commanding general. ''You are a colonel of the imperial army now! Lead your troops to victory! Charge!''


The general charged along with dozens and the AT-Haulers were dropping AT-DTs on the battlefield. The smoke was dense and terrain rough. I could barely see anything and I just started walking, hoping the missiles don't hit me. A Mimbanese soldier was running my way and I shot him dead. I started firing on the enemy when I heard a trooper shout loudly, ''Take cover!'' I got down instantly as a hail of missiles exploded.

''Salazar! Thank the force you're alive.'' said stormtrooper captain Gary Strave and my best friend as he came to my position.

''Would take more than just a few missiles in a fog to kill me, Gary.'' I said as I took cover behind the rocks. ''Where is general Wallson?''

''Dead. You're the commanding officer now, colonel.'' Gary informed me and I couldn't freaking believe it. I took a deep breath before I started formulating for a plan.

''All units, this colonel Salazar Covraii. General Wallson is dead and I'm the new commanding officer. Retreat back to the trench. That's an order.'' I ordered over on the comms and many troopers begrudgingly followed. ''Command, this is colonel Covraii. I request an AT-AT to be sent to my coordinates.''

''We read you colonel but the AT-AT can only be delivered in 10 minutes.'' the officer at HQ replied to me.

''Make sure it arrives in that time.'' I said and went back to formulate a proper war strategy to win this front.

The troops, about 350, were hidden in the trench and I ordered the AT-DTs to provide cover fire. The troopers were saluting me as I walked among them. I stood in the middle as I got ready to tell them of my attack plan. ''Salazar?'' Gary came to me with about a battalion of extra troopers. ''My cousin, Kassus. He's captain of the 3th platoon.''

''Gary, he's the colonel. Show some respect.'' Kassus reprimanded his cousin who just shrugged.

''Relax, Kassus. He and I are best friends.'' Gary said without much care.

''Good to have you for this operation, captain Kassus. Now, the plan. With captain Kassus' men, our numbers are now 400. Okay, when the AT-AT arrives, the AT-DTs will fire the flash bombs and-'' I stopped as a trooper raised his hand. ''Yes trooper?''

''Sir, why are we using flash bombs?''

''Because the Mimbanese are subterranean. Their eyes are used to the darkness. We'll blind them with the light.'' I told the trooper who got enlightened. ''As I was saying, we will blind the Mimbanese and move slowly in the mud. The AT-AT will go and destroy the enemy base's shield generator and act as a distraction for us while we move in, destroy the 6 turret enplacements and overrun the trench. We will move in 4 groups, a hundred each, with marksmen in the front to kill incoming enemies. Any questions?''

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