End of an illegal empire

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The 17th stormtrooper legion was charging straight for the smuggler's base on Er'kit. With us were a number of speeder bikes, AT-STs, AT-ATs and Tie fighters. I looked from my ITT and once we reached the base, we got off and stormed the base, only to find... it absolutely empty. It was abandoned not too long ago and we checked to find whatever we could.

''Crates full of spices, blasters, detonators and cargo, sir. Loads of them. Seems like they just ran and left.'' Major Gren reported to me as I looked at the data pad.

''I see. Have we found anything like transmissions or the sort, Major?'' I asked to which Major Gren shook his head no.

''Sorry sir, but nothing of the sort.''

''Understandable. At ease, Major. No one here is to blame.'' I told him and went along.

''Perhaps the smugglers could've left in a hurry knowing we're here, Sal.'' Gary said to me.

''Maybe. Who knows where they will be. All this chase... just for nothing.'' I sighed in frustration as we continued walking. We soon recieved an urgent call, informing us that the imperial garrison was under attack from smugglers using Clone Wars era vehicles. ''Ah banthaa shit. We return to base! Move!'' I shouted and every trooper quickly boarded the ITTs.

                    -imperial base-

The base was under attack by 7 AT-TEs, 4 AT-APs, several hailfire droids, a bunch of speeders, 2 juggernauts and a modified elite AT-AT. Liana Kor was inside the elite AT-AT, leading the assault. The walls of the base were breached and much of the defenses were destroyed. But when the imperials stationed there lost hope, the Tie fighters swooped in and eliminated the speeders.

They swooped down, screaming sounds coming from their ion engines as they blasted the speeders to destruction. The ITTs came and acted as support while the AT-STs and AT-ATs were dropped on the battlefield. I took out my lightsaber and charged at an nearby AT-AP. I cut it's third leg and it's left leg and the walker fell down and burned. I deflected the blasts from the AT-TE just as rockets were launched on it's sides, destroying it.

I charged at the elite AT-AT which destroyed an imperial AT-ST and AT-AT. I cut the leg of the elite AT-AT with my lightsaber just as the walkers and Tie fighters were blasting it. The elite AT-AT fell down, burning as it fell and the backside of the elite AT-AT was destroyed. Liana Kor and 10 other speeders were coming from the back of the elite AT-AT, fleeing from my legion.

''After them!'' I ordered and the Tie fighters and speeders pursued them. The Tie fighters destroyed 3 of the speeders but a Tie fighter was blown up by 2 Correlian freighters coming in.

The imperial speeder bikes annihlated all but 2 speeders, among them Liana Kor. The Twi'lek managed to hop onto the freighter and fly off into the orbit but the Tie fighters were hot on their tail. The freighter suffered heavy damage as it reached orbit and jumped to hyperspace.

''They won't get far, sir.'' Major Gren told me as he came to my side. ''The Ties were able to place a tracker and severly damaged the ship. With it's damage, it won't get too far.''

''Then tell the Morning-Star, the other cruiders and the gozantis to prepare to move once the location of that smuggler scum is found. I want her beneath my heel and licking my boots, Major.''

''Understood sir.'' Major Gren left to do as ordered. Once data reached us that they were on the planet of Crait in the Outer Rim, we moved there immediately.


Once we dropped out of hyperspace, we sent 2 squads of Tie fighters to eliminate the defenses on the planet and destroy as much of the base as possible. The first freighter was destroyed as it's burning parts fell to the mineral rich soil of Crait while the other crashed into the smuggler's mountain base. The smugglers quickly got their leader out of the burning ship and into the medical bay.

Aboard my ship, I recieved a transmission from the smugglers, offering surrender. ''Urm, is this thing on? Can they hear me?'' the smuggler asked his comrades then got jumpscared when he saw me staring back at him. ''Wargh! Oh my... uhm.... good day imperials... uhhh... we would like to...''

''Iltam zumra rashupti ilatim.'' I said, interrupting his message and confusing everyone, including my own men.

''..... I'm sorry I didn't quite catch the meaning of that. As I was saying we-''

''Iltam zumra rashupti ilatim.''

''Ah..... I'll ignore that. We would like to-''

''Iltam zumra rashupti ilatim.'' I replied and cleared my throat. ''I will be frank with you, there is no surrender. We will come and annihlate you. Those of you that survive will be sent to the spice mines of Kessel and the rest... will be... killed. There can't be any better negotiations than this or am I wrong?'' I asked and every imperial shook their heads no. ''You have your answer.''

The transmission was cut off and ground units prepared for deployment. ''Hey Sal.'' Gary came to my side. ''What were you saying to that smuggler?''

''Oh I was just shitposting in Akkadian.''

''... really?''


''Let's just kill some smugglers.'' Gary said, giving up in trying to understand and I too joined my troops in eliminating the smugglers.

Once on the ground, a line of 6 AT-ATs and 12 AT-STs were deployed as we started firing at the smuggler's base. The lasers hit the mountain and rocks fell on the base. They launched speeders at us but it was useless. They didn't reach even a few feet from the nearest AT-ST. All walkers blasted their cannons and destroyed their laughable defenses. I stood atop the the back of an AT-AT and at my command, Tie fighters came in to fire on the base. The base was burning and the troopers were ready.

Once all troopers were down, we blasted the doors open and blasted at the defenders. Igniting my saber, I lead my troops to victory. I shot a smuggler dead with my blaster pistol then impaled another one with my saber. I twirled my saber and then stabbed another one while shooting 2 others dead. I used the grapling hook on my right arm and on a crane, jumping up and then beheaded a smuggler. I sliced another one in half and then beheaded another smuggler.

Gary and Major Gren were blasting the smugglers to oblivion as they entered with hundreds of troopers. ''Spread out and hunt them down. Kill any who try to resist.'' I ordered and they moved out.

Gary caught sight of the smugglers trying to board a freighter and leave. ''Blast them!'' he shouted to his men and they opened fire. While 2 of them were shot dead, they managed to get inside and the freighter was preparing for liftoff. ''Get the speeder!'' Gary ordered and he stood atop a speeder bike as it came near the freighter. Luckily, the hanger was built inside the mountain and was a long way from launch and the ship just had it's engines on.

The speeder got near and Gary jumped inside the ship. He shot a smuggler dead and another one too wss shot. He got up the ladder and made his way to the control room. A smuggler ambushed him and pinned him but Gary kicked the smuggler in the balls and punched him. He shot the smuggler dead and made his way inside where he shot the pilot dead. He landed the ship down as Tie fighters came to stop it from flying and stormtroopers were nearby.

In the end, the heavily injured Liana Kor was captured, her empire of crime now finished. The troopers brought her before me and I slapped her with my phrik cybernatic arm. ''Enjoy your free ticket to the spice mines of Kessel, where you'll enjoy all the spice all you want or ever need.'' I taunted her as the troops sent her and her surviving men to the prison freighters. Another victory for the empire.

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