Victory on Samovar

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                    -2 days later-

Despite being in a bacta tank, I had taken command over the troops under my command and directed every movement. I had given them plans for attack and which lines to protect all while getting treated by the medic droids. The uprising on Samovar and other planets was worse than we originally expected. This was a war a lot worse than the one on Mimban. The planet of Samovar was an important planet for the empire as it was extremely rich in two resources: doonium and dolovite.

Doonium was the main metal used for starship construction and though I don't know much about dolovite, I had read in the holonet that it was used for lightsaber construction. More important however was that Samovar was a battleground for an angry jedi wanting to destroy the empire. We had to destroy this CIS holdout as soon as possible before other factions like insurgents, rebel cells, tribes, terrorists and partisans take advantage.

''Major Gren, support the 5th battalion's left flank from falling to droid hands. I have already dispatched 4 AT-ST walkers to assist you.'' I said to Major Gren over on the holonet while still being in the bacta tank.

''But colonel, isn't it against general Motti's original plans and admiral Rydge's advice?'' Major Gren questioned my decision to help the 5th battalion. Infuriating but not all too surprising since major Gren was a by-the-book kind of man.

''Just do as I command you to, major. My tactics have decimated the incoming droids on 2 separate occassions. Large infantry and aerial assaults remember?'' I replied and major Gren replied back with, ''Of course sir, I'll see to it that the flank is protected.''

Despite being in a bacta tank, I was not one to back down from the war despite my current condition. My upper body all the way to my neck had 1st degree burns but the bacta would heal that up. My right arm had to be replaced with a cybernatic arm since the metal from my blaster had melted into my arm. Then there was my jaw. I now had to wear a respirator over my face everyday.

The medic droids had treated me extensively. It would be just a few more hours till I can get back to active duty. Even while being in a bacta tank, I didn't stop the fight. I had ordered that my tank be transfered to the command centre so that I can continue to direct the troops in the offensive. In just 2 days, I crushed more droids and won more territory than the commanding general, Arlan Motti.

We had told Coruscant of recent discoveries, that a jedi survivor was responsible for the Samovar droid uprising. In response, imperial high command had sent in an inquisitor to deal with it along with more legions of soldiers. There were other jedi being hunted so they decided to only send one inquisitor. Don't really know if the inquisitor can kill the jedi Naq Med or not.

After a few hours passed, I was released from my bacta tank and can rejoin the fight by tomorrow. Major Gren came over on the holo-table to report in on the situation. ''Colonel, I bring in good news and bad news. Good news is that the 5th battalion's lines have held and we now have confirmed locations of the main droid base, which is also the droid factory.''

''That's good to know, major. And what is the bad news?''

''A large force of over half a million battle droids, tanks and more are heading for a direct assault on Kemosh city. They'll arrive by tomorrow.''

''Shit. Can't we contact admiral Rydge for an orbital bombardment?'' I asked and major Gren shook his head no.

''No colonel. He and the fleet are needed on Mustafar. A Geonosian named Gizor Dellso has reactivated an even bigger droid army and navy than the one we are facing here on Samovar. Admiral Rydge is helping Death Squadron and the other fleets in fighting the droid armada. We only have a few cruisers, I'm afraid.''

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