Of defectors and phoenixes

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-Exegol, Unknown Regions-

Lars Himms was a normal worker for Kuat Drive Yards. A few years back, his company had partnered itself with the Covraii family's industries. Select few, extremely capable workers in their respective fields, were sent to work in a very secretive project. Imagine his shock to find there was a star system with incredibly advanced technology in the Unknown Regions. He along with his fellow workers were tasked to ship secret doonium and iridium shipments to this dark planet called Exegol where warships and weapons were constructed in secret. The secrecy of this project was of utmost highest order and they would be paid great wealth but Lars grew disillusioned. He heard of Tarkin's brutality regarding the recent Ghonman massacre. It was also well known to everyone the brutality of the secret cult's leader, Salazar Covraii.

Lars had made up his mind. He had taken holovids and photos of the clones being bred here as well as the Geonosian slaves, the vehicles and ships. He would get in touch with Mon Mothma and convince her to destroy Exegol. ''Finally, I have gotten through to you. Mon Mothma, I have urgent news that you need to hear. I have proof that the empire is-'' before Lars could continue however, storm troopers were near.

''There he is! Come back here, traitor!'' a storm trooper ordered as he and his friends started chasing Lars.

''Phark spit! I have to escape now. I'll see you in person.'' Lars told Mon Mothma as he made his way to a ship and flew out. The storm troopers were shooting and dealt some damage but Lars fled to known space.

''Inform General Covraii... we have a defector.''

-Nineveh, Akkadia-

I had returned to Akkad after overseeing the construction of new muunificents and harrower class ships. It was proceeding just as bit as I had planned. I walked through the gates of Akkad, out of the sunlight and into the dark, polluted city that was my planet's capital. I took the hypersonic train and left for my palace.

About a few streets away from my palace of Nineveh was the group called Primrose. They were there to get their payment directly from me in person. ''You grew up here, big sis? It's very polluted.'' Tia, their youngest member said to Inanna.

''Not really, Tia. Akkad was reserved for the nobles, rich and middle class. Coming from a poor background, I grew up in a moderate town. Kannon was there too and so was... Salazar.'' Inanna told her surrogate little sister.

''Wait, you mean the general wasn't always this rich?'' Buster Tim asked.

''His aunt was rich. After your town was burned, he was taken in by his aunt and he inherited her wealth.'' Uri informed her teammates. ''So... this is Akkad. The place where one of the most feared fighting forces in the galaxy are stationed. It's... a lot more depressing than I initially thought.''

''Was your friend always force sensitive, big sis? He took out those 5 jedi with ease. Even you couldn't beat them.'' Tia asked.

''As far as I know, he never said anything. Who'd imagine Salazar was an inquisitor.'' Inanna remarked.

''He's not an inquisitor.'' Buster Tim told them. ''You heard him. He called himself a sith lord. I grew up hearing stories of these enemies of the jedi. Exar Kun, Darth Revan, Darth Malgus and some others. Rumors say that Count Dooku was a sith lord and they were capable of shooting out lightning.''

Inside my palace, I looked over on reports of recent activities as I sat on my chair. A human maid was cooling me via a fan as I looked at the reports. 'Phoenix cell of the rebellion has been annihlated. Grand Admiral Thrawn successfully destroyed the rebels on Atollon, a recently discovered star system, and dealt heavy damage that resulted in the death of Jun Sato and the destruction of general Dodanna's Messasi Group. Well done, Grand Admiral Thrawn.' I praised the Chiss admiral for his skills in eliminating the rebels just as a message came.

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