Secret wars part 2

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                -sith citadel, Exegol-

I looked at reports regarding the activities of the threats in the Unknown Regions. 13 battles were fought and with superior technology, we were able to win 12 of them with the final one being a draw. Reports however indicated greater movements and we knew the size of the threats was bigger than initially thought. I sat on my throne as Prisca's hologram appeared in front of me. ''How goes your job, Prisca?'' I asked her.

''It goes well, Sal.'' Prisca replied. ''The Battle of Endor is near. About next month if your information is correct.''

''So... it's near then.'' I remarked.

''Yes. However, I do have a question. What do I do with the elites of the core?''

''They are of little concern to us.'' I replied.

''Can you give me an explanation then, Sal?''

''It's simple really. These elites believe they control everything in society but when the war comes to them, they will cower like any ordinary person. They may fund the war, supply the war and profit from it but when the opposing side comes, they will be dragged out of their homes and sent to the cold streets to starve. When people suffer long enough... they will rise and overthrow their overlords. It happened to numerous nobles throughout Akkadia's history. Years progress, technology advances and change will come. Society is always divided Prisca, no matter how you look at it. The wealthy elites, the middle and the bottom peasants is how it is most often divided. When troubling times come, they will be the focus of the wrath from those beneath them and new ones will replace them. It's just a cycle of how life is.''

''Except for Cobra.'' Prisca said confidently. ''The propaganda campaign of the SS in the planets under your direct control, the main purpose is to remove any and all rebellious sentiment. Language, concepts, children's mind and personal space are all targeted. Cobra would've brainwashed them to the point that such concepts like individualism and freedom do not exist. A bit dystopic but effective nontheless.''

''All thanks to you, Prisca.'' I said as I sat down and drank my coffee. ''Your skills help me greatly. No wonder the late Colonel Yularen held you in such high regards. Tell me, Prisca, do you remember the rebellion of House Reyne?''

''Yes. You just got the spice deal and the governor, your late aunt, ordered every imperial asset to eliminate them.''

''Tell me... do you remember how I dealt with them? What I said in regards to my family name and that of the legion?''

''As clear as yesterday, Sal. The main mansion of that family had tunnels built in since it was a former mine according to your data. You trapped the windows, the doors and flooded the mansion. As that rebellious noble, his family and their servants screamed upon drowning, you said to all of us present, 'We are Covraii, the serpent riders. We take from our enemies all they have and in return, we give them death. We are not wolves or lions but dragons. Any who mess with us know true wrath. We are Covraii, we ride the storm of chaos.'''

''Yes. Chaos. My family crest is but one of many sigils about the leviathan, the embodiment of chaos. My aunt sowed chaos in the galaxy and rose to power. In the chaos of war, I had risen to this position. As the Akkadian words say, 'ride the storm of chaos'. That is exactly why I trust you Operation: Chaos.''

''And it will be done. Inanna, Kore and Silk are helping me with my own things. I'm trying to gain control of the Lusankya for future emergencies though knowing it's exact location is still not clear. However, I'm certain I can achieve it.''

''That's good. All 4 of you finally learned to get along. I knew it would happen eventually. How's senator Chuchi?''

''Still in hiding, taking care of the administration in Nineveh.'' Prisca answered.

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