Rebel frontiers

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                  -Nineveh, Akkad-

After the rebel alliance had destroyed the Death Star, Palpatine had called in an immediate emergency meeting of the currently still alive high ranking imperials. Since I was a grand general, I had to attend this meeting as well. The emperor was absolutely livid at the destruction of the Death Star. Right in front of everyone, he had openly berated Darth Vader and even electrocuted the cybernatic sith lord. Darth Vader was demoted while I was promoted to Grand Moff of the Outer Rim as Tarkin's replacement and new Supreme Commander of the imperial armed forces and given the title of 'empror's wrath'. I knew this was only temporary as Palpatine would reinstate Vader at a later time. Cassio Tagge had survived interestingly enough and had been promoted to grand general. Seemed I had to share my rank but at least I held greater authority.

The emperor was forced to promote junior officers to fill in the ranks of generals and admirals to compensate for the Death Star's massive death toll. A logical solution but was ineffective as these new officers were inexperienced to handle the tasks their new positions brought them. Me on the other hand, I was to run the entire Outer Rim and be the leader to quash rebel forces coming to the heart of the empire. No doubt as a form of punishment from Palpatine since I wasn't there in the Death Star to begin with. The work was a ginormous increase in stress.

''Tarkin's folly. Nothing could be a better name for the garbage that was the Death Star.'' I said to my ruling council which consisted of my wives, Raggal, Admiral Conrad, Colonel Kassus and Sky Commander Kyse and unofficially former senator Riyo Chuchi now since she was still in hiding. ''His reckless act in destroying Alderaan gave the rebels an overwhelming support. Millions, perhaps billions have flocked to their side now. Tarkin.'' I said, my helmet adding a venomous hissing sound at the name. ''As much as I respected you, you were a fool when it came to this. Your policy eventually came to bite you in the butt and look at me now. You have increased my work tenfold!''

''Salazar, love.'' Kore called out my name. ''Please calm down. You will have a coughing fit again.''

''I should, Kore, but... I can't help it. Now, I have to take care of the entire Outer Rim as well. If it wasn't for the fact that various underworld factions are mine to command, I would have a heart attack by now.'' I said and looked at Prisca, newly appointed head of the ISB. ''How goes the SS and the ISB, Prisca?''

''We are cracking down hard on the rebels, Sal.'' Prisca reassured me. ''Interrogations are going smoothly and we have confirmations of very likely rebel activities.''

''Good. Very good.'' I said and then turned to face Riyo Chuchi. ''I thank you once more for helping me with my administration, senator Chuchi. Without, the work from the management would've killed me.''

''You are welcome, grand general and it's minister now.'' Chuchi said and I chuckled.

''Of course.'' I said and gave each of them a specific location. ''Prisca remain here. The rest of you, take the hypersonic train to the east. We will join you shortly.'' I said and once they left, I turned my face to Prisca. ''This is important, Prisca.''

''What is it, Sal? You know you can trust me.'' Prisca said and I knew I could trust her with my life. I then showed her a data chip and inserted it into the holo device. ''Sal, what is this? Operation: Cinder?''

''The emperor's contingency plans.'' I said, shocking her as I was sharing with her top secret information. ''In the event that the emperor should die, satellites will be activated on key worlds which will create a weather phenomenon that will tear the planet apart. These worlds... are loyal imperial worlds.''

''Why would the emperor target his most loyal citizens?''

''Scorch terrain tactics, Prisca. The emperor will punish his own loyal citizens because the empire has failed to protect him. The fool he is. He doesn't realize it it his own stupid plan that will end him.''

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