Naboo civil war

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               -current year, 7 BBY-

It had been slightly a little over 2 years since my victory on Mimban and Samovar. A lot had happened since then. Right now, after a day since I returned from Exegol, I was on Coruscant and exiting the imperial palace after my meeting with the emperor, Sheev Palpatine.

The emperor had told me in secret that Snoke and the cult were allies but it seemed he had no idea of Snoke's bigger plans. Of course, given that the emperor was extremely cunning, I had reasons to suspect that he had secret plans to overthrow Snoke but were now currently secret allies. The emperor told me that I can have the Morning-Star and the 17th legion under my direct command with full control over the new shadow trooper programme. It pleased me to no end to have such assests under my command with near limitless power. That and the shadow stormtrooper armor was designed by sith cultists made me more comfortable to an extent.

It was also interesting for me to learn that the 17th legion won 3 big, decisive victories. The pirate lord Suppi's followers had targeted me following his death in Vandor. They were the ones who attacked me 6 months back. In retaliation for this, both captain Conrad and Major Gren led a blitzkrieg of attacks against Suppi's remnants with 3 big battles occuring. The 17th legion won every engagement. 3 times did the 17th legion prove it was not any ordinary storm trooper legion. Once more did the 17th legion prove it had few to call rivals and I was proud to be their leader.

It was here in this private meeting that I learned that Moff Tarkin had a respect and liking for me. It shouldn't be surprising since in some ways, we were similar. An Outer Rim born man who would eventually become one of the emperor's most trusted people, Tarkin was one of the most powerful men in the galaxy and was a stranger, an outcast to the nepotist thinking of the Inner Core elites. Though I disagreed heavily with the Tarkin Doctrine, I couldn't help but feel proud over the fact that one of the most powerful people in the galaxy had a liking for me.

The emperor then informed me of general Arlan Motti's resignation. I grew to respect the old general but respected his decision to retire. Interestingly enough, general Motti wanted me to be the one to replace him as general. The emperor wanted to prove I could live up to that wish by winning the civil war on his birthworld of Naboo.

Following the mysterious death of senator Jar Jar Binks, Naboo had split itself into two factions. The loyalists who were loyal to the empire and the separatists who wanted to break free. The separatist had the backing of the Gungan grand army so were proving to be a difficult threat to handle. The emperor said that if I were to be promoted to general and replace general Motti, I would have to be the one to stop the Naboo civil war that raged on for the past 3 months. I told the emperor that I will leave for Naboo in 2 days time and the war will be won. He was pleased by my answer.

I walked out of the imperial palace and boarded the transport that sent me back to the docked Morning-Star. I walked past the troops of my 17th legion who were familiarizing themselves with the new shadow trooper armor. I walked into my quarters to see my new assassin droid, Ereshkigal, kneeling down.

''Ereshkigal, I want you to meet with my aunt's agents in the lower levels of Coruscant.'' I said, giving her a small chip containing their names and locations. ''I want you to establish a secret spy network that'll eventually grow into the underworld. The Covraii family agents will help you in your task.''

''It will be done, my lord.'' Ereshkigal replied and accepted the chip.

''Fulfill your orders and establish this new group which will be called... 'Cobra'. You will be the emissary and I will be the hidden commander. Till I can lead it personally, you are in charge.''

''I understand, my lord.'' she said and left to go to the lower levels of Coruscant.

''Major Gren, prepare the 17th legion and Morning-Star to leave for Akkadia. I have some things that I want to do first before Naboo.'' I told the major over the commlinks and we left for Akkadia.

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