A second Starforge

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A/N: the difference between Kadath Station and the Starforge is that the former is purely an energy harvester and generator while the Starforge is an automated factory.

        -Seswenna imperial base-

''The Starforge? You mean the space station that is capable of building any kind of ship?'' Prisca asked, amazed at the prospect of eventually being part of a power that could control that superweapon.

''Yes. If skematics can be achieved from the Rakatan homeworld, we may be able to rebuild the Starforge, in some form or fashion, and harvest it's power to make the construction of ships easier.'' I told her.

''Then, the construction of frigates, cruisers and star destroyers may very well increase to twice the current rate, if not triple.'' Prisca remarked. ''Though given that most of the ships are being constructed with your sith alchemy and advanced weapon designs, construction may prove to be difficult.''

''Not really. The Starforge was a product of the dark side. It can handle the burden of my designs. Not that they were too hard to build since they were mostly improved from existing ships. Tie Annihlators are just more advanced Tie Hunters, the apollyon is a better designed imperial class and so on.'' I said to her as I was reading Isard's data card containing the names of sleeper agents. ''Tell me, Prisca, what do you think of the executor class star dreadnought?''

''I think it's a powerful ship, Sal.''

''No. Tell me your HONEST opinion, Prisca.'' I said, putting emphasis on the 'honest' as I wanted to know her thoughts regarding the executor. ''Personally, I do think it's very powerful but also extremely flawed in it's design.''

''I agree with you, Sal. I never was a fan of the overly exposed bridge. I say that it's a product of spending too much time with you.'' Prisca said and I chuckled.

''The executor class is very powerful but oddly enough, 2 apollyon class star destroyers will be more than capable of dealing with one. Tell you what, if you want improvements to be made, my shipyards are available. I can replace the overly exposed bridge with the ones on the apollyon and even add some improvements.''

''Thank you, Sal. If time is there to spare, I'll consider docking it on one of the ports.'' Prisca said as I hummed at my data phone. ''What is it, Sal?''

''Apparently the cave system from where Kore found Eridu is very close to the town of New Larsa. It was my old town.'' I said as I got flashbacks remembering my childhood days. ''Perhaps a visit is in due. Been years since I visited New Larsa.''

''Can I come with you, Sal? It will be 'official ISB business'.'' Prisca asked.

''When you say it like that, I feel like you have spies on my back.'' I replied making her burst out laughing. ''Here, Prisca.'' I said, giving her a data card.

''What's this, Sal?'' Prisca asked as my hand putting it tighter on her own was all she needed to know it was extremely important.

''More info regarding Operation: Cinder. The droids are special, they carry out the emperor's direct messages. You already know the details so I won't bore you. The next part is Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax. He will be the one to topple the empire. When the time comes... kill him.'' I said to Prisca, making clear my intentions. ''Kill him then take his assets.'' I said then we both left the room to return to our respective stations.

    -Vardos imperial space station-

Ciena Ree had became a lieutenant and served aboard Darth Vader's own personal fleet and star destroyer. She was temporarily transferred to the Vardos station along with her academy mates like Nash Windrider. Right now though, she was nervous. Word was that Grand General Salazar Covraii and his 9th fleet were coming to Vardos for a secret meeting. This was 8 days since the Seswenna meeting. The reason she was so nervous was because she finally got to see her friend, Thane Kyrell, again after years.

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