The Death Star

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''You have failed me yet again, Baltimore. Why do I even bother with you?'' I asked in frustration as the pirate lord failed once again in a simple mission.

''Commander, I take full responaibilty in this loss. In my defense, I- argk!'' Baltimore was force choked lightyears away from my palace. ''Pl-please, Cobra Commander, I will make it up to you. I swear it.''

''You better, Baltimore. I have the will to forgive my underlings if they learn and progress but when they don't... I cut them down myself. Make sure that you do.'' I told him and the holo transmission ended. ''What fools I have under me.'' I remarked as I continued my work. ''Fenrir, my good boy.'' I said as Fenrir came by my side. The wolf had grown to become a strong wolf that can help me in hunts. I petted his head and my wives and staff entered. Fenrir got defensive when he saw Uri Penta and Inanna enter and I reprimanded him. ''Fenrir. Behave, boy.''

''An adamantine wolf? You never told me you tamed one, Sal.'' Inanna remarked.

''He's a good boy, Inanna. He won't bite. Is there a reason why you are here, Uri Penta?'' I asked the team leader who presented to me reports.

''Reports regarding the shipments and supplies, lord Covraii. Raggal wanted me to give them to you since he's... on a 'second emergency' as he put it.'' Uri said, a bit embarassed to say it but I understood.

''Of course he is. Thank you, Uri.'' I said and took the report. Uri and Inanna left my office and I looked at Silk. ''I am happy to see that you are fine, Silk.''

''I couldn't part too long from you, Salazar.'' she said and kissed me on the cheek before sitting down. ''I hear that you snuffed the Mandalorians out. What did you do with the beskar, my dear? It's a very expensive metal.''

''Orders were to melt them down and confiscate them to Moff Gideon.'' I said and looked at my data phone to see... some rather intruiging but strange news. ''Lothal 'liberated' by the rebel alliance. Grand Admiral Thrawn and rebel commander Ezra Bridger along with the 7th fleet were transported to unknown space by purrgil. Tie defender factory destroyed and millions of imperial casulaties, mostly dead.'' I said in a somber tone. ''The rebels have become more bold than I anticipated but for them to succeed like this. At least their two known jedi are dead and such a thing will not happen again.''

''Sorry cousin.'' Raggal entered my office, holding his stomach as if in pain. It was in pain. ''Emergency. I should not have eaten the extra bowl of spicy bantha meat last night.''

''Of course you shouldn't.'' I said and sighed. ''We Covraii have terrible health problems, Raggal. Me, you, our parents, aunt Dainah and all the way to the old republic from our family's founding. You should control yourself better.''

''I understand, cousin.'' Raggal said and sat down. Raggal was head of the Akkadian Defense Legion and he climbed to that position thanks to my late aunt. The Defense Legion eventually merged and became the para military branch of the State Security (SS for short). Prisca was the head while he was second in command.

We continued the meeting till I got word of Governor Meena of Rattatak had destroyed my shipments while some rebels were there. That shipment was both expensive and of great importance to me. I contacted her and my rage... was visible for all to see. The female governor was terrified to see one of the highest ranking imperials directly contact and scold her. ''Grand General Covraii, please. See the imperial victory on my side. Imperial forces won and have destroyed a rebel fleet. I have-'' Governor Meena said but I silenced her.

''Silence.'' my voice was low but clearly visible for all to hear. In this moment, I was extremely stressed out. Director Krennic had been quite persuasive of directing funds, shipments and assests to his project Stardust. Despite my attempts, the emperor withdrew some of the funds that were to go to my own projects and the governor had destroyed a Covraii vessel carrying black marketed shipments and supplies. ''Do you really think that I will see a victory and not see the casulaties? Or the losses we suffered in terms of non military? You have destroyed valuable shipments, governor. Shipments I need for projects. I do not look at it as a complete victory when the losses on our side are drastic, governor.''

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